Please check below what is currently already around the clock for 1-1 ! Not online yet! I run an internal test now on the bugs and check if it’s really fixed . currently in version 1.0.5
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Changelog 1-1 /////////////////
Added: Phantograph inputmapper Key: P
Added: Handbrake input mapper Key: / (Slash)
Added: Extra preload for single locomotive, also added a couple of extra guids.
Added: lua Call for B Symbol(disapear now when pzb/LZB switch off) instead of always on .
Added: Extra lua condition check on syscall messages, now when loco is not driven messages are blocked, also block on initialize.
Bug: Missing 0 value in the brake dial.(Brake dial now turn back to 0 when train stand still)
Bug: extra condition on LZB to monitor incomming PZB messages when locomotive enter in LZBEnd program.
Bug: Preload placement work again after a small fix in our lua script (regarding Null reference).
Change: Sound curve for motor sound, slightly changed the traction curve , traction sound levels increase earlier by Kilonewton.
Change: sound curve motor sound vs speed, sound volume increase now a little earlier.
change: 6 motor steps decibels increased to aproxx -12db , and low level decreased.
Change: zugart messages, should be more clear to understand now when switch to other zugart/ pzb modus.
Change: AFB key mapping from: K to Shift+A
Change: Sifa only activate when train stand still include reverser in position M.
Change: PZB only activate when train stand still include reverser in position M.
Change: LZB Signal blocker only activate when train stand still include reverser in position M.
Change: Regulator, digital sensitivity decreased.
Change: AFB SpeedSet, digital sensitivity Increased.
Change: Darker Wheel texture include more contrast in wheel details.
Extended: manual
Under investigation: AFB brake power, require more time to optimize