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    This real wagons still reflect enough, even the dents on it reflect sunlight clear, if you look to the black paint it even reflect blue sky light, check this photos open the links and see detail photos near the blueprints.

    My personal Opinion, I compromise with pleasure the little extra shine(visible cubic map) for visible dents than complete flat metal. We don’t have pbr pipeline here and sadly need that shine to show some dept with bumpmappings.. So if you like flat metal on this with les shine than fine. RT version is not wrong in my eyes. I think mixing VR and RT together will be a nice collection. By the way,RT use also Substance painter.

    Hbbillns 305
    Hbbillns 305 freight wagon with two wheelsets, two-part aluminium sliding walls and six lockable partitions.

    ice you recognise substance painter on the VR wagons because the default drag and drop dirt effects😁 , nothings special there, second I see that VR use a specenvmask and RT bump mapping, definitely more texture work in the RT wagons. Optical RT look more close to the real wagons with the dents in the metal.


    Hi BR-218 i do not know if you made the Zs signals. im sorry if i missed this part of info.

    but there is some trick to implement to make it all better , for this you need to do two things, at least if you export with the newer 3D max plugins(( if you use the old one than you can do it easy), for Blender i dont know, i dont use it, maybe you can give in blender the right condition straight before you export in your material settings. in the experimental dx12 version below doesn't work that great yet, i already reported this to DTG.

    You need to give the texture shader instruction to render the texture under MipLinearMip, and this you do on the texture which give the glow,

    Second is: edit the texture mip maps, open the texture and choose to open existing mip maps, take your paint brush and make light glows bigger(as example if the dot is 1 pixel make it 5 pixels bigger, on the end you will end in a square glow effect( no problem from far away you are not able to see if it is square or round. do not edit the first 2 biggest texture parts. all done?, save the existing mip maps. (you can edit the second but dont increase the glow so much or the glow become to fast to intens,
    at the end you will see from large distance that the glow become bigger. DTG do this also on signals.

    if you cant give the condition than you need to edit the model file in TS tools. i can instruct later when im home from work. Feel free to ask me if you need help.

    Kim , where did you ever read ?? that i prefer Kuju trains or minimalistics or that there is no need for a proper PZB or LZB ? just tell me where i wrote that ? i only told: large part from the TSC market doesnt require full fletch systems, and i even didnt sayd what i prefer!.to make it clear i prefer proper systems, i like it and enjoy what people make. i respect that allot. Im more than 15+ years in the Game industry active now days, teach kids/ young adults Unity and Unreal Engine. i know how this markets work.

    Well you are not completely disagree ;)  ChicagoExpress as i can see on your answer.
    Mostly people will choose TSC for the visuals, and this is also the biggest part from the market, DTG doesnt drive on the advanced safety system fanatics(they are a smaller part from the total) otherwise they did it all different or they didnt exist anymore, Why so many people buy TSC addons which are not correct, because they dont know or they care about annother part, and the smaller part from this buy it and hope the freeware devs implement the amazing signals from schuster/ team which make things miles better, or completely rebuild large parts.

    External developers provide the more advanced experiences or visual or internal with code work and they pleasing the people like you and me. ofcourse , the fanatics are there, you are right but im sure its not the biggest part.

    As far as i know in the 10 + years Railtraction never promised advanced full complete systems where everything work exact on every point like the real train, the focus lay between, more than DTG offer and for the more fanatics extra things for a relative fair price. if the LZB from RT respond good im sure i will have a nice loco in my collection.

    StefanDD my point is a little you make some impression here as developer that other developers dont programming correct (im sorry if i understand you wrong ), and that you are the only one which deliver the perfect safety systems(there are also things to discover or to add ;) )no worry i like your work on the safety system, and i think they are good. but the PZB from RT is not that bad as some which make this impression. i get the same experience and expectable situations which is see in Zusi 3 or yours , atleast in my experience and driving time. and i really dont care how they program it.
    If i need to care about my part (texturing / Unreal engine ) than i get a hard time in TSW.
    little earlier you came by with your idee to mod the 185.2 with some sort of impression that this is better than a 146.5 . im sorry to say, what i see in the cabin visuals looks more appealing and sharper in the br146.5 than 185.2. and ofcourse the RT cab is more close to the real 146.5.
    but no problem everybody is allowed to wish what they want, if that make them happy than fine, and im sure all this different views make things better. lucky we dont have to eat outside one box and we have freedom to choose our own wishes. I like to see multiple developers make there own trains, even if it is not perfect it deliver for sure other experiences , because every developer have own style of creating modelling etc which work also refreshing. If there was only one external developer i for sure put TSC / Railworks back in the box long ago and never open again. This remind me about something more offtopic, flightsimulator when i bought in the past 3 times te same airport from different developers, it work just refreshing.

    Why you need a full working PZB with all thingys in it which moste users never heard off and also not seen or even not gonna experience , second TSC is even not able to run some decent amount of traffic on the lines without AI crashes.

    When all that traffic and signals really need to work than all that advanced systems are nice.

    Till today LZB is just some mimick of the real thing in all locos which are available , based on a couple of lua calls of incomming information.

    Moste TSC users dont need it, and that small amount which want all that stuff everytime realistic go for Zusi 3.

    Better spend that time on make parts from the locomotive correct( Frontlight switch as example which work in some even not correct ) , Also VR have thingys not correct, it is what it is and for moste players not an issue because they have no idea how it need to work.

    The fun part is how some developers always need to talk from the highest tower how advanced and good they made something, but in the background have there things also not perfect.

    Come on its just TSC which Mimick 80 percent of the locomotive with some lua.

    Every developer have own focus how to deliver a product, some focus and spend more time in visuals and other on code to get the if else ifelse things on the right place instead of extra if, and spend less time in the textures or full cabin. Let them do how they want, and dont make something bad on a detail.

    Bei Innenansichten die über eine gewisse Länge gehen, kann man das nicht verhindern (ist ein TS-Bug). Das haben mir jedenfalls die Leute von TrainMotion erklärt. Ist bei denen auch so

    this is no bug! train wheater glass you only use on windows which are located outside((windows which have opposite contact with outside world where rain need to fall on)), totally wrong shader to use on inside glass, inside windows use regular glass shader, and if you want safe performance use a tiny one from 128x128 and tile it a couple of times.

    This become intresting now: Auf facebook.

    Wip: test

    note: sounds gain levels are not all optimized yet.

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    Good luck with that if it is like this,

    Probably nobody from all the developers request permission to make an advanced train, probably also never request official cabin investigation and also not received official permission to make all the parts realistic. The licenses are requested for the logos and nothing more, I don’t think any compensation will be made. Now SBB find out that there are some a little to realistic.

    There is definitely Ao mapping on the model, just better look to it, even at the bottom.

    Probably there is a reason for it under wip ;) just wait for it till it is drive in beta.

    Last render with view from the back 🙂 some small details to go on the sides, tomorrow we start on the back part from the cabin, than welding parts together if we received the last details from the beta guys/ Train drivers , with some luck tomorrow start on the first texture work.

    The 146 locomotive was build / modelled by Railtraction itself and added to the ic2 to make the ic2 drivable with push locomotive, without you had only wagons and front car.