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    My problem isn't solved yet. I deleted the scenarios from Hagen Siegen V3, then I've installed the route again. But it is still missing in RWE2.

    I think the problem is caused by the scenarios that come with the route by default. After installing the route, remove these 6 scenarios and then check in RWE2 whether you can select the route.

    I solved my problem with Hagen Siegen V3. One of the scenarios was causing this trouble. After deleting the content in the scenario folder "RailWorks\Content\Routes\9cac1720-316c-4a01-a3e6-8c594df5452f\Scenarios" and restarting RWE2, the route was visible again in the RWE2 "route selection" menu.

    because I kept putting a backup of this scenario folder back after the reinstallation, the problem persisted. I downloaded a "fresh" scenario and it works like before.

    Thanks for the excellent support and pointing to the solution. :thumbsup:

    With the enhanced logging of the next update it will be easier to find why content is not loaded correctly. Usually it's because there is some file corruption in TS .bin files. TS is loading them regardless (but it is a very bad idea from DTG. In fact some TS editor crashes is caused by this) but RWE 2 is more strict about this so if there is a corrupted file in a route, RWE 2 will not load it. Thank you for your patience, the next update should give me more information to see what is going wrong here.

    You would not believe how many things I have already coded for handling TS .bin files random issues :D

    The cooking system by itself is already 11489 lines of code.

    I tried a few things

    After deleting RWE2 and reinstalling it i still can't find the route Hagen Siegen v3 in the drive menu. All other routes are fine.

    I found out that C:\Program Files\RW Enhancer 2\Cooking\CookedData\Routes\9cac1720-316c-4a01-a3e6-8c594df5452f doesn't contain any data, the directory is empty.

    All other route directories are filled with a route.xml and scenario.xml files.

    Hagen Siegen V3 route and scenarios can be played without any problems when running TS without using RWE2.

    Hello Oldsnake,

    After reinstalling te route "Hagen Siegen v3" (had problems with the signals) i can't drive a scenario on this route. The route is not showing up in Drive/Scenario/select route.

    The route is properly installed and working in TS.

    It's also a cooked route.

    I performed a full recook with the new option "Try to load corrupted TS content" but that not solved the problem

    version RWE: 08.2.1

    Greetings Henk.

    Dear Oldsnake,

    Recently I have to adjust the graphics settings every time before I start TS.

    I have to change the settings otherwise RWE isn't working correctly especially the borderless screen option.

    These settings are somehow no longer saved. Each time there is a rollback to the settings as mentioned in the first picture.

    However certain settings (such as Vulcan on/off) are saved when closing.

    I also suspect that the shader adjustments are no longer implemented, especially the DOF settings. I don't see any difference between 1 and 1000.

    What can I do to fix this?

    Greetings Henk


    This problem is solved by reinstalling RWenhancer and deleting the user configuration setting file.

    The user configuration settings file is stored here: C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Lonely Bits Games\RWEnhancer2