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    New version of Unofficial Editor is out. You can download it here:…releases/tag/4.26-TSW-0.3

    Change list for new version:
    - Added reskinnable definitions
    - Added ribbon loft descriptor thumbnails
    - NetworkRenderProxyActors can now be exported to static meshes
    - Fixed crashes from merging cooked meshes
    - Better cooked blueprint editor
    - Added various blueprint function libraries
    - Added Virtual HID components
    - Added debug box rendering on VHID components
    - Pak mounting (Pak files no longer need extracting)
    - Added timetable editor comment box
    - Fixed various crashes when loading 'Track Scenery' tiles
    - Added alternative landscape materials for some routes
    - Added route map (This basically needs rewriting but might be useful for finding information about signals)
    - Much faster startup times (Due to cooked blueprints being loaded differently)
    - Improved cooking (Any assets not included in the plugin but referenced are ignored)

    For instalation you just need to download UE-Editor0.3.part1.rar and UE-Editor0.3.part2.rar, and then extract part1.rar. It should extract the other pak. This version dont require extracting main core .pak file as you can mount .pak files right once you start the editor for the first time. In editor settings later you can find TSW section where you can enable or disable other DLCs.

    This editor should work with TSW 2 files too without any problems.
    Enjoy :)

    New version Unofficial Editor is released. You can download it here:…releases/tag/4.26-TSW-0.2 (information about how to download you can find here: https://forums.dovetailgames.c…tor-v0-2-tutorials.45303/

    What is new in v0.2:

    Added ability to open many different cooked assets including:

    • Timetables
    • Textures
    • Material Instances
    • Material Parameter Collections
    • Data Tables
    • Enumeration
    • Float Curves
    • Static Meshes
    • Sound Attenuation
    • Sound Mix
    • Sound Concurrency
    • Sound Wave
    • Animation Sequences

    New Features:

    • Timetable editor (This can read cooked timetables but not edit them, it’s possible to create new scenarios with the timetable editor)
    • Track marker and portal selector for timetables and scenario designer assets.
    • Full track rendering (This is NOT track laying but simply the ability to preview a cooked section of track in the editor)
    • Ability to change the position a junction is rendered in (This is kind of a pointless feature, but quite cool to see the different positions the junction can be in.)
    • Some signals and signs now appear in the world correctly
    • Starter pack plugin, this is for any assets that maybe useful when creating mods. This only contains some materials for now.
    • Many improvements to data assets with some being completely reworked.

    Its been a long time since we post here any news about the editor (yeah we are still workin on it). Something big is coming in next update. There is a lot of new stuff, im sure Will will post change log with release. But what i can spoil for now is...

    ... well lets start with the question...

    ... do you like Scenario Planner in the game ? :) ...

    ... most of you do... but what if i tell you that you can create more interesting scenarios with Unofficial editor ? And yeah you can even add into it your own formations ? As with Unofficial editor you can already create your own formations with formation editor. Sounds good ? Once the editor 0.2 is released (that should be really soon as we are testing the public build right now) i will post here video or text and picture tutorial how you can do that. For now here is little hint picture what im talking about:

    While im working on RVV, RVM and Simulation system for the editor Will is working already on that announced route. But whats more important he is working on that track laying system. Some basic version is done and here is some videos showing the progress. First video with the train is first test in the game. Second video is showing track laying system directly in our Unofficial Editor (our dev build). This system is not going to be released yet, there is still a lot of work to be done before it can be released.

    Track working in game:

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    Track laying tool in editor:

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    Well, i am very exited for the track-laying system! One question: is it possible to edit timetables with the editor?

    Right now with public build no, with our dev build we are of course able to create new timetables and edit already existing ones. As its not still perfect and we are missing timing data generator than its not part of the public version. But with update 0.2 of Unofficial Editor we are going to include one bonus.

    Since Unofficial Editor release for TSW 2 there was already some more work made. Version 0.2 is coming soon which will let you edit more data asset files and it will include Journey Mode editor (not really user friendly version but you will be able to edit or create new Journeys - it will just require more work) and one little extra bonus. But so far a lot of work have been done with other assets too (they will not be released anytime soon as there is still a lot of work until they are finish). But lets see what are we working on:

    Creating new RVV files (or using already existing ones) - if you are asking what is RVV file then its BP file which include model, components and functions. Basically RVV file can include only new material (texture) and can work like a new loco version for already existing loco (do you remember those old way made reskins ... yeah they replace original reskin ... but with new RVV file you can have both versions, or even unlimited versions - a lot of work have been done in that part, already tested that and its working like it suppose to). There will be some users which would like to add some new functions into the loco (turn on some non working screens, activate some non working buttons, etc...) - all that can be done too :) On that included screen you can see that i placed donkey on the left seat and activated screen with camera (camera is on the left side outside of the loco capturing back of the train) - that was again just a test if that can be done... - for complete working system it require even RVM files and SA files (simulation assets) - can say that in that part a lot of work is done too.


    So after that example screen here is some screens from the RVV files:

    Unit from Rivet DLC:


    Cab from DE loco:


    But thats not all... more exciting stuff is here :) We got basic track laying system working and Will already start working on a new route for TSW 2 (Scotland one). Its going to be a free DLC. But again like for RVV, track system will be released for the public version of the editor once its done and we are happy with it. So dont expect that anytime soon as a lot of work needs to be done before release. But yeah, in one of the Unofficial Editor release you will be able to create new locos, wagons and routes :) And here is first preview screen from the route:


    There was a video where Matt announce that TSW will have multiplayer and they are working on it... it was called FUTURE OF TRAIN SIMULATOR and i guess DTG made it private as the link is not working anymore. Then there is article with Q/A right before release TSW where is state:

    Will there be multiplayer in TSW?
    Multiplayer is still in development and will therefore not feature in the Train Sim World: CSX Heavy Haul Beta. However, we are planning for multiplayer to become a key feature of the Train Sim World experience and this is currently scheduled to arrive in Fall 2017.

    What i know is that they dont even start working on it. but they already knew before that they will release it in Fall 2017.

    Will I be able to create my own routes in Train Sim World?
    The tools that will allow players and partnered developers to make routes and other content are currently still in development. While we understand how much many of you like to enhance your hobby with our creativity tools, it’s important that these tools are built carefully, with the help of your feedback, to ensure they are as powerful and intuitive as we all need them to be.

    Again that was right before TSW HH beta release... so they announce that stuff and never deliver it and never will.

    And then for the editor:…0675-607660644.1538050675

    But we are here completely off topic now.

    And for the rest of the post... if DTG dont want us to see the unfinished part of the route then they should just completely delete it, but that will require recreate timetable, add another portals etc...same for FGW, same for other stuff. Unreal can encrypt files but i dont think DTG want to do that, they know that mods are making the game more enjoyable and without mods i dont think a lot of PC users will still play vanilla version. And then i got in that readme that this is UGC not tested by DTG, etc... so i guess i will add pop up screen when the user click on download which will show that its mod and DTG has completely nothing to do with it (that part from my readme file), so users know then.

    You know you can open pdf file, read it and even edit it right its not limited only for reading if you got the proper program (you know Adobe is even selling one). Thats the same with .uasset files... not a big deal as UE4 got that like a main feature... i guess that will surprise you then... but you should go to the Project settings and Cooker - oh man what is that ?? :huh: Allow cooked content in UE4 editor:huh:, damn lets call Epic to remove that feature as we from DTG and specially Maik G. dont like that feature. Oh yeah and lets force Epic to remove UE4 Source code from github too as what if somebody will just compile their own version of UE4 editor ... (you know thats completely legal to compile your own version of UE4 right - its basically what DTG did too with their UE4 editor - change some classes, added some classes and compile it :)

    Your hammer example is completely off you know ? Hammer is primary for something else... Im not using any expensive hacking tool for reverse engineering to open .uasset files (your hammer example to breaking into the house)... im using official tool from epic to open their file format made with their tool and thats little bit different.

    And you know what... Matt even know from the beginning of 2019 that im working on editor i even explain him my formation mod how did i made it and he was impressed what community can do while you can just kicking around and scream EULA, you are breaking EULA.... Im sure he will be the first who will tell me about EULA when i showed him my formation editor and mod.

    And you should know that i was able to merge NEC with LIRR together and RRO with RSN together.... and i dont release it as it will require share a lot of original route files which i dont want to because i know that those are copyrighted. If i will be that kind of as***le then i will just dont care and release it like it is (im sure that is the part which DTG will dont like as that will be sharing payware content - part of the route DLC).

    And next time when you start using that EULA word you should do some research as some countries dont accept EULA if its not in their foreign language.

    With that last part... that "you" - that is me ? As i dont get any request from DTG to remove some files from my page. So if thats me, then i want to see that email otherwise i dont believe you. And that lawyers part just lol... "if they feel harmed" ... you know who else feel harmed ? Hundreds of users who listen DTGs promises when they release the first TSW... the game will have editor, the game will have multiplayer... (multiplayer will be released on september 2017 - damn did i oversleep that ?), keep buying DLCs so you got a lot of assets and you are ready to use them with the editor which will be released as a beta in december 2018... etc.... Dont even have to mention new promises... all those users were forced to buy TSW 2 if they will want to have DLCs as DTG abandoned 2020 version.

    My reply is gonna be in english as usually as i dont really understand germany and dont know if google translator translate that forum right to english. So lets make the stuff very clear:

    - All my mods are made with Wills and My editor (that unofficial) - before that i have my own editor for that stuff too. Not really difficult to make one as UE4 is completely open. So all files which im including in my mods are completely new, my own files (thats the fact for copyright - im not distributing original TSW files - not hex edited files)

    - with that editor everybody can make those mods as (thats another nice feature of UE4) it can open original cooked files so you can look what is inside and create your own stuff (again that will be your OWN file)... and yeah there is tons of other programs which you can use to look inside the files... nothing wrong with that you know, its the same like opening some PDF file... is that illegal if you are just reading information ? :D

    - hacking the route (what is that ???) - DTG included testing timetable in the route pak file - not my problem that they cant remove their testing mess before they cook the final release of the route... as the game support multi timetables now what i did was just add that timetable into the ContentManifest... what a magic right ? :) Again everybody can do that with that released editor and guess what... again that will be your OWN file, not DTGs one, so completely legal!

    - enabling services which are included in timetables but they are hidden until DLC is released - are those services already included ? yes they are... fist of all i dont even distribute timetable file with that, again i just create my own files with DLC name and files which are used in the original TT file... how do i know the DLC name ? all that is again in timetable file nicely readable with just notepad...

    Anyway, nobody is forcing you using those mods...

    Got some exciting news for you as this thread starts with that i got TSW stuff loaded in UE4 editor.... Sorry that it will be wrote in english... if you want to create another thread for it then go for it :)


    Here it is, the first release of Unofficial Editor for TSW 2 made by Will and Me. Since i start working on my version i find out that im not the only one who is working on some editor. So i made a team with Will and we are working together on unofficial modding tool for TSW 2. Right now this first version can edit only Data asset files. You may think only... but that only means:

    - editing or creating new formations
    - editing RVD files
    - editing or creating number files (RVN)
    - editing or creating Theme Definition files
    - editing or creating Route Definition files
    - editing Station directory
    - editing journey mode
    - editing paths for Scenario planner and many many more :)

    For some of that stuff i recommend FModel app

    This download link will only work if you are signed into github and have joined the epic games organisation:…releases/tag/4.26-TSW-0.1

    How to join organisation:…b?sessionInvalidated=true

    For installation - just download 3 rar files from that Github and then extract them. You dont need extra UE4 editor as this pak include completely modded one. Then use UnrealPak.exe to extract original .pak files from TSW (TS2Prototype-WindowsNoEditor.pak). Extracted stuff move to your TSW editor folder (Content under Content).
    Then extract some DLC and place them into your editor Plugin folder
    so you should have TS2Prototype\Content\ with core stuff like Core, Editor, UI, etc... and TS2Prototype\Plugins\with route or loco.

    Best part is that you can edit already cooked files, dont need to recreate them. Of course you can create your own uncooked files too, even create your own map file and edit RouteDefinition file to add your map there for load... there is no rail system ... yet :)

    So enjoy that first 0.1 version :) it require knowledge how to create mod for TSW (cooking process, creating pak, etc...)

    Little bit after the release we noticed that it was impossible to cook so dont forget to download included patch and extract it to your Editor Engine folder.

    Its funny, for your first part... injecting DLL into the game for unlocking the console is basically the same like what i did (changing the variable in exe file). Both is against the EULA as you are still changing code but its loaded in memory - same way like some game cracks for emulation the protection or cheats peoples are getting banned from Steam. So one way you complain about that modding exe but then you are completely OK to unlocking console with injecting DLL which you dont even know what else is the DLL doing ? :) Great job :)

    And talking about command... i guess you got dev build with commands as some of the commands are not working in normal release version otherwise i will use that MaxLayerCount command or is there any other command for that ? As i cant really find any other command for Livery Editor exept some for better rendering textures. But then i will be happy to hear what is different between increasing the layers by command and changing variable in .exe as with your logic both ways will break livery with some core update.

    Yep, i know it that bad, that i don't need a .exe to modify a .exe to modify the max layer count. Simply injecting a new number into a games var is not that smart. Typical modders behaviour without to care what they do, they just do it. Not respecting the creators work or even the EULAs is more BS (your wording) than my babbling about it. I just took an eye into the source code of the livery editor to verify i could be right with my guessing about how it will self destroy after a significant change to the core. And as i can see (you not, because you should not have any access to the source code of it) it can destroy reskins with the modded layer amount and will not destroy liveries with the max layer count of 300. It's like with bridges. They have a max acceptable weight that they can take. You can put on more for sure, but you can expect the bridge being destroyed after a while doing it. So your mod will brake sooner or later for sure, but not the users liveries made with the standard layer max count.

    Sure you dont need to modify .exe if you have access to the source code while rest of the users are ignored even when DTG promised before that those 300 layers are there only for the start test and they will slowly increase it... its been one year... what is for them slowly ? 100 layers every 5 years ? If they deliver stuff which they promised then users will dont have to mod the game (editor, multiplayer, many other features which are still missing, planner 2.0, livery 2.0, etc...). Look, i have nothing against you i respect your work (sure its not really perfect, there is some mistakes and bugs too which are still not fixed). Dont understand why you are against the modders as we are trying to make the game more interesting to the other players - so far Matt and even Adam or Sam are respecting our works and they are even amazed what the community can do. I dont know how many PC users are playing just vanilla version of the game, for me without the mods the game will be already death (and im sure im not the only one who got the same opinion). And so far for that layers mod... if DTG dont like it im sure they will already remove it from the forum and even send me some warning. The mod is not breaking the game, removing or modding the protection and so far i can see that players are now more enjoying that Livery Editor as they can finally finish some stunning work.

    Omsi benutzt aber auch nicht den allgegenwärtigen Kopierschutz mit "D". Der Mod hier ist mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Nicht nur wegen dem Kopierschutz und dem möglichen Bann durch Steam. Bei der nächsten größeren Änderung am Core sind all die damit erstellten Repaints hin. Das ist so sicher wie das Ahmen in der Kirche. Dazu kommt, dass die Veränderung der Exe des Spiel erheblich gegen die EULA verstößt (Reverse-Engineering). Wenn DTG mal nen schlechten Tag hat, kann sich der Muff warm anziehen.

    Not surprised by your answer again :) First of all that mod is not even close to the Steam and Denuvo protection. Its not changing or removing any part of that protections so nobody can be banned for that on Steam so stop talking BS and scaring peoples - and FYI users got banned on Steam because of cheating in multiplayer or if they use some of the steam emulators to play illegal games - non of this is happening here. Second if DTG change something in core for liveries (the format) then non of the livery will work even the ones created only with 300 limit. Looks like that you have no idea how this is working.

    Ok, then please fix the 204s transmission setup for example. If you can do that, i will change my mind, eventually.

    I want you to fix it first without uncooked files (source data). While you are working with the tools than you should know that cooked BP files are not supported with the tools so you cant open them (edit them) so you want from me almost impossible. Those are probably those difficult parts which you were talking about... so show me your skill in editor and fix that (again like i wrote with cooked file without source data) :) - im 100% sure that you cant do that too so why should i ?

    And figuring out the boards that was less than a day... difficult part with all that stuff was adding it into the map... that is what takes me long to figure out. since i can add now what i want there you will see some interesting stuff coming soon :D Those boards that was just the beginning, like my test with walking animal there (not perfect but that was just a test):

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    And yeah i already tried contact DTG one time for the partner program... they reply that they would like to see my work... i send it to them and they never reply again. So what should i do ? Spam their mail box every day until they wrote Accepted ? :D

    Wieso? Mit dem Editor ist das kein Kunststück. Es dauert halt noch bis DTG Zeit findet das offiziell zu machen. Für das Rumgefummel in den gekochten Dateien gibt es nur von der Community Anerkennung, nicht vom Hersteller. Er hat ja auch irgendwo geschrieben, dass er Monate brauchte, um rauszufinden wie das geht. Was er da macht ist einfach Try and Error durch ändern von Werten in den Dateien, von denen er zum großen Teil nicht wissen kann, was sie genau tuen. Sowas hab ich schon bei Battlefield 1942 gemacht. Das ist pure Fummelei. Mit auskennen hat das wenig zu tun.

    Sorry that my reply is in english, i dont know German and google translator helped me to translate your reply... So basically you have no idea how is that done, all your guesses are completely wrong based on your history where you were just changing variables for Battlefield 1942 (lol)... I can tell you that its not just changing values in the files (im not that limited)... that will be completely impossible for those boards... maybe you should take some time, download the mod, extract it (you will be surprised) and than write a comment. Im more skilled than you think :)