jstange What exactly is happening? There is showing a small bar of brake amount (arround 2-4kN)? That is normal, this was present in all previous versions
Beiträge von Kal000px
Perotinus Ja, der Radschluptkoeffizient wird beim Szenariostart etwas randomisiert
fliegeroli Hallo, der Radschlupf in 1.05 soll realistischer sein. Da ich das Modell realistisch machen wollte, werde ich dies nicht ändern.
Sebastiaan thanks for report!
Coquinati thanks, it seems that it only needs one triggering. I´ll take a look at it!
Sebastiaan and what does it do if You start with one loco detached and drive to the consist? Does it hang after coupling to the consist with loco?
the release is longer than before.
but now the test is successful only with a blast of air.
Main brake pipe pressure should be lowered two times under 2 bar and then released and just after that it shall be completed. I haven´t changed this treshold value at all. What is it doing in Your game? At what pressure it stops lowering it?
jstange I was not sure if it will work on all PCs, even now some people said that it is quite buggy, so I have done this only as an optional feature.
750.7 is still a long run to go, there is still some things left to do, mainly AVV (automatic train control).
186 with 189 near Hausach
I haven´t been changing anything with ETCS brake test, only I made times for brake release and application a bit longer, so it should probably be longer than previous versions.
Thank You guys for the really nice repaint pack!
@Canon6D Der Bremstest sollte nur an der ersten Lok durchgefuhrt werden. Also die Luftanzeige an der zweiten Lok funktioniert möglicherweise nicht richtig aber es sollte gut fahren.
steamtrain25 thanks for posting, You were faster.
Coquinati I have just renamed the file, it should be ok by now
Also if anyone would like, the model is now discounted to 15 eur.
So I finally bought TSW2 and the physical simulation seems much better than TSW!
Class 471 at the Testing route
Buttons glowing in the dark
Es schein dass es jetzt nut in Standarszenarien funktioniert.
Dies war nur eine Skriptaktualisierung, sodass kein erneutes Herunterladen von Repaints erforderlich ist.
Hi guys,
thank You a lot for all the feedback, thanks to it I have hopefully managed to fix the game crashing!
Patch 1.04 is now available, here is the changelog:
- v1.04
- Corrected non-functioning brake test
- Corrected game crash issues with more locos in consist
- v1.04
I will take some further investigations and fix it, thank You both very much!
blivius92 could You please try to reproduce it with Logmate turned on? Thanks for instructions.
blivius92 What coaches are they?