Beiträge von BRD
Sorry for taking over this topic with a slightly off topic question, but I have to ask.
I'm considering buying Rivet Game's Gothardbahn. Is their Re460 better than TrainworX Re460? Which one is better?
@svenko1998 Du hast recht... Das habe ich vorher nicht bemerkt. Danke.
I saw this train here:
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103.122 mit D 352 von Amsterdam CS nach Prag, Koblenz Lützel, 1998.
Danke @Solin für der strecke update.
@ice Classic version has original route design but it does not include anymore the latest addition from Pardubice to Kolín and it will not be updated anymore.
Future version is almost the same as classic, but it includes the new Pardubice to Kolín ( and Velký Osek ) section, but also includes a "future" route between Choceň and Ustí nad Orlicí, however the author did not remove the old route via Bezpraví halt.
The author decided that he will only work on version "future" from now on, and honestly there's really not special reason why to use the classic version anymore.
That's correct, @sin_aly_193
Třebovíce v Čechách / Svitavy - Česká Třebová - Pardubice hl.n. - Kolín - Velký Osek.
And there's many other routes... for example: Pardubice hl.n. - Hradec Králové - Jaroměř - Starkoč - Trutnov OR Hradec Králové to Choceň via Tyníště nad Orlicí.
And many, many more...
I have quite a few screenshots from this route. I have already posted some of them on the screenshots topic, but I never really said which route were they from. The project of this route is really big, it includes a lot of routes.
Here's some examples from Kladské Pomezí V2, without the 3D track set. Please note that in some of these shots I made small local modifications ( added vegetation, replaced a building ).
And this is from an older version of the route, but I think it is still looks like the same on the current version Kladské Pomezí Future V2:
This is very nice.
I used to drive this route on Zusi 2 a lot... Seeing it upgraded for TS 2020 makes me happy. Great work, the video and the scenario was really nice to watch.
Fantastic news! This upgrade would be incomplete with a good track re-work and addition of superelevated curves. Thank you guys for making this possible! I am very much looking forward for this update!