Beiträge von BRD
Sorry for not writing in German, I am learning on my own but is a bit difficult.
I just want to say that when we got the 1st version of the Taurus 1216 from RWA, after trying out the locomotive, I sent a message to RWA with some feedback. They were nice to reply and to hear me out about it. They're clearly listening to customers feedback which is is great.
Now with the new version a lot of things were improved and that's what I was expecting from RWA. The team is excellent, their work is really good. The locomotive model looks great. As a Czech railfan myself, I am really happy that they worked together with Jachým from the Czech RW community to also include MIREL. Not all developers are as open as RWA.
Currently my only complaint is also the sounds. It was something I wrote to RWA after I tried the 1st version of the locomotive. On the 2nd version the sounds are slightly improved, well, their volume at least. But it clearly needs further work. I'm sure RWA will do their best to work that, though. The quality of their railjet advanced pack really shows they're capable of doing much better.
In other words, I say this locomotive pack are worth their price.
A sound update for the BR 152 is indeed very much needed. Great work!
The attention to the smallest details is very much appreciated. When I go to this place for real train photos, I stop at An der Schranke for eating something.
Great work!
Well, that's a shame. Thanks for the info @DerHood
This is looking great. I will be very happy to drive on this route again with such a nice upgrade.
I do have a question, though: Will it be possible to make the curves superelevated?
@Thaddäus I would be very happy to have that route in good quality ( better than GBE standards ). If it was updated with superelevated curves, DB tracks and all the good stuff the German railworks community does, it would be fantastic. And there would be one more route to drive this nice train...