Texture at tunnel-entrance 'paints' tunneldecal | Textuur beim tunneleingang uberdeckt tunneldecal

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  • Hello,

    I have created a tunnel using a tunneldecal to make the entrance 'open'. After that (stupidly) I painted a texture over the area where the tunnel-entrance is situated.

    After I did that the entrance 'closed' with the new texture, so I am, driving into the mountainwall now. Apparently the texture also paints the tunneldecal?

    Now here is the problem:

    I don't know how to remove the texture and placing a new tunneldecal doesn't seem to help... so I am stuck with the problem now.

    1. Can I remove a texture (partly or totally)?
    2. Is there another way to fix this problem?

    I hope someone can help me out..


    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • Interesting problem...

    You can try to delete the specific mixmaps tile which contains the ground textures for this location.
    Remember the coordinates in the editor (format +00000+00000) and delete (or move/rename) the corrosponding tile in the mixmaps folder of your route.
    Please keep in mind that all other ground textures for this square kilometre will be deleted and restored to a default value (mostly grass merged with rock at steeper hills).
    Then delete the tunnel decal. After that paint your terrain again with your favorite ground textures. If you're finished set the decal again.

    Good luck

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • Hi!

    After doing a lot of other stuff I'm back to the problem with the tunneldecals again..

    I have tried a lot of things including the above solution. I keep having probems:

    1. I place a new tunneldecal
    2. I save and see the hole (decal works)
    3. I start route scenario (any) and decal is gone.. the wall is visible again..

    I have this issue with 2 of my 12 tunnel entrances... No other textures or anything out of the ordinairy.

    It is really annoying and looks crappy so I do not want to release my route like this.

    Did anybody see this before? Any other tips for fixing this?

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • I have the same issue, too

    I gave up to try to fix it as every try to get rid of the wall was useless.

    But I have one hint left... maybe I should try this at my route too:
    Try to form the terrain there in a new way. Maybe it is enough to increase/decrease the edges of some of the small terrain tiles, so the tunnel decal will therefore be forced in a complete new position.

    Good luck

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • Ok, I'm in good company then :)

    I also thought of that and tried it.. no success ;(
    I thought it was fixed but it wasn't...
    Let me know if that trick works on your route, maybe I'll give it another go.

    One thing that might be of some significance: the entrance was ok for a while and then 'suddenly' went wrong... so it looks like something else influences it...

    Good luck to you too!

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • Thank you

    Yes, this is my experience too.
    Tunnel holes which work perfect are suddenly closed with lots of dirt.
    I really don't know what is causing this inconvenience. It seems that in some scenarios it works, but in others don't. Maybe some added ground textures are responsible? I don't know.
    In my case I added some grass textures without dynamic flora to avoid floating grass in the tunnel entrance. Maybe I should delete the responsible tile in the mixmaps folder together with the tunnel decal and then set a new tunnel decal again to test:
    1st: delete the mixmaps tile
    2nd: place the decal
    3rd: Test
    If this works I should make another test.
    1st: delete the mixmaps tile
    2nd: add the ground texture
    3rd: place the decal

    Because I'm short of time at the moment you could test this by yourself. Please keep in mind that deleting the responsible mixmap tile will delete a whole km² of ground textures, replacing it with default values. So maybe it's a good decision to rename it instead to delete it or to make a backup of this tile in any other way.

    Good luck!

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • Well... Now it gets really weird:

    The problem is solved! Point is I'm not sure why..

    I changed the position of the decal again. Then I started the scenario and part of my tracks were gone in the area of the tunnel! I was afraid I accidentally deleted tracks while fiddling with the tunnel...
    So I opened the editor and took a look. The tracks weren't visible but the trackmarkers were still there! So I didn't delete them, they were just invisible (like the tunnel decal!!!).

    I restarted TS and went into the scenario again. Now the tracks were back (visible) again and: The decal works!!! More amazingly the other problemdecal, on the other side of the track, ALSO WORKS!!!

    .... uhm... *denk*

    So my guess is it all has something to do with the build up of the route when starting. Maybe the sequence in some bin file influences it. Which means it is really hard to repair but editing/rebuilding the problem area (portal/terrain hight/decal) might just re-shuffle something and solve the problem..

    As we all know: what you see in the editor is not always what you see in the scenario when you restart.. which can be a real pain in the ass ;)

    Hope this helps (a bit), don't give up!

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"