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  • As always: ice is the man ;)

    Ice please, please If you can spare the time.
    Do you use real textures?
    I saw your buildings: they are excelent!
    Do you use the feature > UVW Unwarp in your creations?
    If you use real-live textures, how do they fit on the model?
    I mean: they can strech, shrink and they stay as good as they are etc.
    I did some tutorials but not a word about the textures they used.
    Those textures were ready-made...
    So on the end I get a nice result but I do know nothing ;) ;)

    What I need (or we need) is a good book...
    about this matter. Not those Max-tutorials.
    Modeling is not the big problem.
    The use of the right shaders with Kuju....
    Some pictures when one is modeling....

    The devdocs hummmm, I don't know; they are made
    for people who have enough experience...

    Do you use textures you bought on cd?
    Money to buy this is not a big problem but please keep this quite ;)
    I admire the "speed" you are producing your objects.

    Please understand I am a big newbee to all this.
    A few days watching the "master" could be a big help
    but do not panic: I stay at home :)

    Kindest regards,