scenario problem munchen augsburg

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  • Hi all

    Hopefully somebody can help me . im working on a scenario.
    You step inside the loco on pasing on a driver change. drive to liam yard and couple a freight facns-133 you drive back to pasing and from pasing to augsburg yard
    on my screen you see a drawing on that location is an ai freight train waiting behind an red signal. problem is if i drive there up and im finishing and passed that signal the ai train crash into my back of the train.
    I realy like the situation there a waiting train for my train but i dont like an train that crash into my back and drive to early. are there any work around to avoid this ? im not a big expert of scenarios but i realy like all that traffic around me. :D only solution that i know is using schuster signals :p that do the work correct haha but i also think that the signals are even not correct located there inside the munchen augsburg line

  • You could slow down the ai-Train so it will arriving too late to hit your back.
    Select another depart time für your ai-Train, maybe 30 seks later
    Pull your ai-Tran further back to gain more time
    Pull your ai-Train further back behind another signal, which hopefully reacts in a correct way

    Good luck

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.