Shinkansen Highspeed Route

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  • Look in the describtion of the first download entry of the old route. There is a link to a chinese website, perhaps you will find the new version anywhere there

    "Wenn ihr nicht auf meiner Seite steht, dann seid ihr mein Feind!" (Anakin/Vader) - "Nur ein Sith kennt nichts weiter als Extreme" (Kenobi) - Star Wars

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von fizzbin () aus folgendem Grund: Geistige Umnachtung, deutsche Antwort auf englische Nachfrage ;)

  • Thanks for advise ! I have done this already. On chineese forum is not any working dowload for new (or old) version, nor even proper mention about any release of this upgrade.

    ...but I anyway I almost sure, that hundreds people worldwide have this version. Seems that this upgrade was job of somebody from T9Express and what is most important not officially released.