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  • Ich möchte gern ein haus erste,llen in 3DS Max.
    Kann mir jemand dem gerade weg vorzeigen?
    Ein haus zeichnen in Max kann ich, kein Problem.
    Aber die textures anbringen ist für mich eine traurige Sache ;)
    Im diesem forum habe ich schon schöne entwürfen gesehen.

    Theo (Belgien)

    Please I have to continue in English ;)
    It's al about textures and the Kuju material.
    I need 6 textures on a "block", a cube.
    These textures are bricks but the scale is never right > to big.
    The cube = 15m x 5m x 3m
    I have also problems with the gizmo.

    When I use a pre-made bitmap, a file with the 6 textures on
    the scale is not right either.
    I have indeed 100plus printed papers with tutors > no use to me ;)
    I had some help from friends from other forums but it doens't work for me.
    Modeling in Max is not the problem.
    I made some test cubes with only one texture and they are in the game ;)
    But a cube with 6 different textures is my problem and also where to apply te Kuju Material.

  • You can make the Images/Textures smaler in a Image Program like Photoshop or if it is to expensive also in Paint and others.

  • Hi,

    I did this tutorial:…task=view&id=45&Itemid=28"> ... &Itemid=28
    One of the best, good to understand what's going on ;)

    I don't like to use one bitmap with all the textures on...
    That's wy I choosed this methode.

    So I did some practice according this tutorial and all went well.

    But I had no the end.
    I guess that it is something about "detach" I used and is used in this tutorial.
    With detach you get different objects and than it's easy to apply the textures.

    I did an export and saw the object in the Assed Editor but it had only the four walls
    and not the roof or the bottom.

    Any idea's??

    I make my own textures with special software ;)