[vR] Problem with PZB

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  • Hello All,

    Since a few days PZB90 is not working properly anymore (I have the BR143 and the BR 111). I added all the correct magnets to the Hagen-Siegen route (3 days work).

    The situation is as follows, when I start moving (in this case with the BR143) the 70/80 lights start blinking. Normally I press "PZB Frei" and the correct light is switch on, in this case 70 as I'm driving in Zugart M. But since two days when I start moving in the same situation and I press "PZB Frei" there is a small pause in the blinking and then 70/80 start blinking again. This stays that way for at least 500m. Then the blinking stops and the 70 light is lite.

    When I have a zwangsbremsung and the train is completely stopped I "free" my self again pressing "PZB Frei" but nothing happens, the 500hz and 1000hz lights stay on and the warning sounds stays on as well. It doesn't matter what I do I cannot cancel the warning and start moving again.

    I hope someone has a sollution.

    Thanks in advance



  • Have you tried to press PZB Frei ab bit longer as it mentioned in the manual? There is a lag between pressing the key an the processing of that input. Hold the key down until the alternate flashing lights are stopping or on a ZWB until the sound goes off. Hope that helps because i do not have a idea why this problem happens to you.

  • Hello Maik,

    Yes I tried that. I even pressed the PZB-frei button for 30 seconds. Nothing happens. Btw I love the Expert-Line products. Hopefully one day the BR628 will be added to the Expert-Line products. It would be a nice addition to the Koblitzer Bergland route.



  • Is it possible that you pass a active 500Hz magnet and then tried to release from monitoring? That is not possible. You can't release from monitoring while a 500hz (red 500hz lamp on) or a 1000hz (yellow 1000hz lamp on) is active. On a ZWB be sure your train is stopped while you pressing PZB Frei.

  • Hello Maik,

    I'm starting a scenario where the train is waiting on a siding to depart. So I haven't passed a signal or a 500hz magnet yet. Once I get a green signal I start moving and then the 70/80 lights start to flash. As I have a green signal in front I press "PZB-Frei" nothing happens the lights keep flashing. Even after I passed the signal the lights keep on flashing, not matter how long or how often I press PZB-frei.

    The same goes for the Zwangsbremsung. For a signal test (KS-signal indicating line-speed) I passed a signal indicating a lower line speed ahead, 120 km/h as a test I didn't press PZB-Wachsam and so I got a zwangsbremsung. After the train came to a complete halt I pressed PZB-Frei, nothing happened. The 500hz and 1000hz lights were still lite, and the warning buzzer kept on buzzing. No matter how many times or how long I pressed the PZB-frei button I couldn't clear myself from the warning.

    Mailk, thanks for the quick responses I hope I don't keep you from you work (hopefully some nice addons :D ).


  • Mhm. Tried it by myself a few times and it works as it should be. Can you please try it with the BR111 at the same conditions? Will it happen then also?

    Maybe there is something wrong with your keybindings. What other vehicles you coupled on the loco? If you put some other locos, wich has own InputMappers, then this is the problem. You can't put locos with other mappers into a consist with the BR143 or BR111. Then there will be switches who doesn't work. Also you can't couple BR111 and BR143 together. Same problem with different InputMappers.

    Try to use the switch in the cab with the mouse. If this is working then you got the mapper problems.

    Its not a bug, it's Railworks :D

  • Hi Maik,

    Talking about stupid, I found out what the problem is. I'm so used to ZUSI that I constantly pressed the DEL key on the NUMBLOCK :whistling: . In ZUSI that is the key for PZB-Frei. I somehow forgot to press the END key instead *shau* . Things are working great again! I'm not sure why PZB90 is still BETA because I never encountered any problems!

    One other question I have, which 2000hz magnet do I need to use at a HP without a Vorsignal. The PZB 2000hz magnet supplied with Railworks or do I need to use the 1000/2000hz combi magnet from VR?

    Greetings and thanks for all your help!


  • I'm not sure why PZB90 is still BETA because I never encountered any problems!

    Because there are some missing elements in there like monitoring curves etc.

    One other question I have, which 2000hz magnet do I need to use at a HP without a Vorsignal. The PZB 2000hz magnet supplied with Railworks or do I need to use the 1000/2000hz combi magnet from VR?

    On this situiation you are able to use both of them. The problem is that the standard railworks hp signals not working great at all. It can happen that a green showing signal activates the 1000hz on the vR combo magnets. So it is better to use the railworks magnets within the standard signals. Only the 500hz you have to use from vR because there is no 500hz in railworks standard.