Correct Magnet at speedrestriction

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  • Hello all!

    Sorry my post is in English, unfortunately my german writing is really poor.

    At this moment I'm busy placing PZB magnet (Virtual Railroads) to get a prototypical working of PZB90 using the wonderful locomotives of VR.

    Most of the time I know where to place the magnets, only in one situation I'm not sure.
    At a speed restriction sign (no signal) just a sign which indicates a speed below 100 km/h I place a 1000hz magnet, which is always active. But which magnet do I place at the sign where the speed should be driven? A 500hz or another 1000hz magnet?



  • Fopix thanks for the link to that website! It made placing some signals alot easier.

    However, I'm still not sure which magnet to place at a speed restriction sign. As the maker of SH1 website explains, normally at a speedrestriction (not at a Signal) there is more then 1 magnet. Let's say the normal line speed is 140 km/h but the speed has to be reduced because of a tight turn. Now there is a Lf6 sign telling me I have to reduced speed to lets say 90 km/h. In reallife at the Lf6 sign there have to be more then one magnet, at least what I understand from Now in Railworks we don't have these magnets (btw I use those of Virtual Railroads). So which magnets do I have to use to simulate the correct PZB action at a speed restriction?

    For those who use ZUSI 2, in ZUSI at a Lf6 with speeds lower then 100km/h there are even 3 magnets.


  • As far as I know, there are two types of PZB Magnet setups used.

    1. Restriction below 90 kmh is controlled by a permanetly 1000hz Magnet at the Lf6 sign and ist to be confirmed by the Train Driver in any way. Pertaining to the "Zugart" drivers have to break down to 85, 75 or 65 kmh to prevent penalty break. Over 90 kmh the fowllowing ist used:

    2. Speed Survey Area (Geschwindigkeitsprüfabschnitt GPA ) is used at Speeds above 90 kmh in special situations and is realized with 3 Magnets.
    2 passive 1000hz Magnets wich are mounted in a particular distance for measuring actual velocity and one 2000hz Magnet to force penalty brake and power shutdown in case of speed exeedance. GPA 's mainly mounted in dangerous situations.
    When the first 1000hz Magnet is passed a timer is startet. If the second Magnet is passed while the timer is not finished, it indicates overspeed and the 2000hz Magnet is activated and stops the train immedeatly without any opportunity of the driver to cancel the penalty break. A Classical 2000hz Impact, like passing a Hp0 sign
    If the train passes the second magnet while the timer ran down, the speed is equal or below the announced speed restriction and 2000hz magnet is not activated.
    The train passes the GPA unchallenged.
    Usually the GPA's are situated in breaking distance from the point of danger and usually set to a higher speed than the final restriction allows.
    E.g. theres a restriction from 160 down to 130 kmh, the GPA will be some 300m before the Lf7 sign (that is the breaking distance to slow down from 160 to 130 at 3.5 bar break pipe pressure) and will be "hot" in speeds above 135kmh.

  • Ich schreibs ma nich in englisch weil mir das grad zu anstregend ist. Was er meint sind die Prüfabschnitte an den LF Tafeln die man auch einsetzt um die Lf bzw den 1000er nur ab einer gewissen Übergeschwindigkeit zu aktivieren. Also ne 90er Lf mit GPA: fährt der Zug mit 100 drüber passiert gar nichts, fährt der mit 140 da drüber muss er Wachsam drücken und abbremsen. Sind also 2 Situationen wo man die GPA einsetzt. Aber eben einmal mit 2000er und einmal mit 1000er.

  • Thanks guys for your replies!

    At this moment I'm re-signalling and installing VR magnets at "Im Koeblitzer Bergland". There are some speedrestrictions on the part from Wildau to Koeblitz. The normal speed is 100km/h and at some point there is a speedrestriction announced by a Lf6. For example you are travelling at 100km/h and there is a Lf6 announcing 60 km/h.

    As I understand, at the Lf6 sign there is a 1000hz magnet which is always active. So I have to press "Wachsam" and reduce the speed. Is there also a magnet placed at or before the Lf7 sign? 500hz perhaps?

    More important, which magnets of Virtual Railroads do I use for this situation? And is it possible to do it with the magnets of Virtual Railroads?

    Thanks again! Sorry for writing in English! I can read german but not really write it.



  • As I understand, at the Lf6 sign there is a 1000hz magnet which is always active. So I have to press "Wachsam" and reduce the speed.

    Yes, that's right.

    Is there also a magnet placed at or before the Lf7 sign? 500hz perhaps?

    No, only on critical situations and sometimes on speed restrictions below 40km/h e.G. 30km/h or 20km/h down from high speeds like 100km/h within 1000m.

    More important, which magnets of Virtual Railroads do I use for this situation? And is it possible to do it with the magnets of Virtual Railroads?

    It is possible to do that with the vR magnets. But note, these magnets works only with vR locos. At this time only with vR Expert-Line vehicles (BR143, BR111). Use the "1000hz active" at your situation.