the new base simulator engine

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  • hi all i was searching on the internet and i saw this piece of software its designed as basic core engine for simulators. i can only say you need to see this. this is one word : fantastic genius work from this developers

    check this out my conclusion i dont believe my own eyes on this moment ;) :thumbsup:

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  • Outerra is a unique 3D rendering engine, a world rendering engine capable to seamlessly render whole planets from space down to the surface. It can use arbitrary/varying resolution of elevation data that it further dynamically refines using fractal algorithms. The fractals try to mimic natural processes, generating fine, believable terrain with high resolution. The world is also being dynamically textured and populated with vegetation using predefined land type material sets and the computed terrain attributes.

    they integrate flight dynamics an driving dynamics like flightsimulator. but they talk also about possebilitys that they wanth to create for trainsimulators. on this moment its opengl so moste people cannot run this smooth yet with old videocards. probaly this developers run it on quadro cards or tesla or high end game videocards. but i think on this moment you can talk about an simulator game engine.

  • Hi,

    outerra is a C# written engine and described in 3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes. It does not depend on Blender or existing Rendering Solutions. I own and read the book to understand some conceptual problems of planet based environments. In my point of view the book itself does give a great overview which problems take account in Real-Time Rendering of Virtual Globes and how to deal with these problems, but it does not give a depth-look how to work, design and connect such APIs. However, in overall the engine is good and best suited for the requested usage: Displaying Virtual Globes and flying trough the world. But you can't use it as a base for train simulations and other pieces of local detailed worlds.

    Outerra is not designed to deal with real-time simulators (current state, but we will during time). It is designed to display and calculate data which describes the data nearly true world and designed to auto-generate monotone scene content. But as a key problem you can not create dynamic scenarios for real-time and you can not set up yours details for a terrain which is needed for train simulations.

    Creating a train simulation means to deal with these topics. You have to load and prepare assets and textures fast as possible, to manage input, scripts and events as well. These topics feed the underlying framework - not the Renderer itself.