New way of news publishing

  • Hi all

    I changed my plans with my opensimnews domein and like to introduce you to my test projects.

    My project is a social news publishing site. for allot of people this is an complete new concept. yes it is. whe are living this days inside a complete new world, called social media .

    social media is a great concept you meet new friends, your following people that make new products and yes whe can talk about that for a long time we have allot now. but wath is opensimnews? is a mix of twitter,facebook,digg and news publishing sites.i put all this intresting stuff inside one website just only for uss! simulator fans . why write on every site news, storys, questions, sharing your projects or sharing your website or movies from youtube. now there is no reason anymore to join all this sites , its all about opensimnews.

    write your story! and publish it to the world, making your own channel and let people following your storys or projects.

    share with one click your own news on twitter,facebook,inshare or google plus. from now your publish on one page saving time and share fast

    or do you like to share it from other people? no problem.

    give reactions on great storys, talk or ask wath you like. or give this story a vote!

    Give your website a better google ranking or make an community channel/group.

    I can only ask take a look on my news fresh website, join for free or start direct . please remind we are in beta and starting up. if you like share with your friends. on this moment english version. german or other languages comming soon. like on face book you can talk in your own language here also. questions or help feel free to contact me.

    one rule !! no iligal sharing links or use of cloudbase file sharing sites like mediashare, rapid share or other types of stuff.this companys or links are not welcome on . sharing downloads can be done with trusted communitys like rail-sim

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