Czech Route 142: Karlovy Vary - Johanngeorgenstadt (+Help Needed)

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  • Some of you might already know the Czech freeware route 140 Chomutov-Cheb released a while back.

    Now the author is working on an extension (to be released soon), route 142, Karlovy Vary - Johanngeorgenstadt.

    Czech signaling is of course used throughout the route, but the author would like to install authentic German signals in Johanngeorgenstadt. He tried to use the HL signals from this site, but seems like they are mutually exclusive with any other signaling and don't do the job they're supposed to (passing through Czech signals does not clear the block), which is probably logical as scripting is different.

    Is there any recommendation you can give how to solve this situation or is there anyone out there who could potentially even help directly with this?

    Thank you very much.

  • Hallo zusammen,

    ich kram das Thema nochmal vor wobei es mir nicht um das oben genannte Problem geht (wobei mich doch interessieren würde ob es da eine Lösung gibt).

    Die auf der Strecke gebaute Kurvenüberhöhung ist leider etwas sehr steil geworden. Dies würde ich gerne ändern und diese um einiges abschwächen. Ist es möglich das ich als Laie dies in der fertigen Strecke selbst ändern kann?

    Danke und viele Grüße,
