JT S7+1 Advanced Underground Stock

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    S7+1 London Underground stock has been in service since 2010 and is only used on the Metropolitan line. The S stock ('S' stands for 'Sub-surface’) has less seating than previous trains but is capable of faster acceleration and has more room for standing passengers.

    S7+1 stock has air conditioning and low floors to facilitate access for disabled passengers. It is possible for passengers to walk from one car to the next while the train is moving.

    The S7+1 has been developed in conjunction with a current S7+1 driver to ensure the utmost authenticity and accuracy and 13 scenarios for Just Trains' Metropolitan Line route are included.

    The S7+1 will operate on any third- or fourth-rail route but Just Trains' Metropolitan Line has been specifically developed for the S7+1 and S8 Advanced and the Just Trains London-Aylesbury route includes the section of the Metropolitan line which runs beside the main line route. These routes include custom London Underground signalling and various invisible markers which allow the functioning of S7+1 features such as the tripcock safety device, door opening interlock and the simulated in-cab video screens which display at stations. Certain advanced features of the S7+1 will not function on routes that are not specifically designed for it.