Hi all,
I have just downloaded the latest Aufgaben by Absolute Chaos (2 for Villingen-Konstanz, and the Express from Hamburg - Berchtesgarden).
I played the Hamburg 053 and Konstanz 056, and both ended in a crash. 053 got me all the way until leaving LZB near Hannover, then I got a crash (but not a dump) saying railworks.exe is not responding.
With 056, I got the usual dump as I entered Villingen.
My system is pretty good (i7 6770 o/c to 4.6, GTX1080 and 32GB very fast memory, all running off the SSD). The only dumps I ever get is when on the Leipzig-Berlin route, with 3rd party Scenarios (like 3DZug ones).
I played the standard scenarios which came with Villingen - Koblenz (after having swapped the basic vR BR111 for the better vR one) and memory usage (as shown in Task manager) never got above 2.6. The AC scenarios started at about 3.0 and then stayed between 2.9 and 3.3 (my system usually doesn't crash until 3.4+).
My question is:
The Absolute Chaos scenarios are the best available. I drove the last 2 using EBuLa and no HUD, and it was fantastic!!!!!
What is the best thing to turn down in settings to reduce the memory usage. When driving Berlin-Leipzig, I am now so paranoid, I turn everything right down, but is there just one setting which has the biggest impact on memory usage, which I could turn down to guarantee finishing the latest AC scenarios?
I hate turning shadows down, because you loose the in Cab shadows (I wish there was a setting to disable external shadows, but keep the in Cab ones).
Thanks for any suggestions,
And once more, thank you soooooo much to Absolute Chaos for producing these brilliant scenarios in the first place!