Make a trainset

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  • Hi
    how do you attach a train set together or freight trains. Would like to be able to run from Hamburg to Hannover, Southern Germany or in the Northen Europe. either scenario or QD. Will really be able to run with cars like the auto train or new cars. has Laaeks.DB 151. DB 155, for example.

    Someone who can help?

    Sincerely Forcesius

  • I have make a train set but i can not drive it in free roam. i am not sure i am doing it right. Maybe a friendly person could be make to me. Train with cars on. Only cars. I have Laeeks wagen from steam and steam train ex DB 155

    Or a person could help me over messenger :)

  • When selecting your train, did you pay attention to the fact that you need an electric Route on the Br155?

    If you choose a track without electricity in the fast game (Quick Drive / QD), you will not see trains running with electricity.

    The BR155 is an electric locomotive and therefore needs a route with overhead line/electricity Route .

    You must look out for that.