Six Traxxes are ready!
Here are their numbers:
386 008-7, 186 433-9, 483 254, 186 146-7, 186 141-8, 186 430-5
And here is the link:…y-traxx%C3%B3w-railsimit/

RAILSIMit Traxx - fzadam97's repaints
fzadam97's E186 Railpool repaints :-)
Do you really need two threads?
When I click on the dropbox link/ picture its says that the link doesn't exists and I get redirected to my own dropbox page...
@Matthias J. Here I published the link where you can download them. On the 'project' part, I want to share with you only with my projects, not ready products.
@2fast4yooou Give me a minute... -
10-4 buddy
thanks for the Repaints.
Can someone help me with the Models form via PM or so? They are down.
Thanks anyway
Which file should you copy exactly to the file to work? The description is just where to copy but which .Geopcdx is not.
Thanks for the reply, nice day. -
I can not download the repaint. When I click on the link, I come to your Jimdo page. But I do not find the download link there. Is it possible to get the repaint somehow different?