3DZug IC 2313 EL impossible to complete on time!

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  • I don't know whether it is my lack of skill in driving the BR103, or whether it really is impossible to complete the first Scenario of this Doppelpack on time.

    I have tried 4 times now, and cannot get to Köln anywhere close to the time required.

    Even breaking all speed limits (I derailed once around a corner I was trying so hard) I couldn't get there in time.

    Also, you have to pass a couple of Red signals in this scenario, and the second one in Leverkusen doesn't seem to have a 500Hz magnet. I keep the Befehl 40 pressed as I approach the signal below 40kmH, but I still get a Zwangsbremsung.

    If anyone else has bought this, I would sure love to know how you get on with it!

    Regards from a very slow Engländer,


  • Hello.

    All beginning is hard.

    The best, however, would you turn directly to the support of 3Dzug because you get actually very quick answer.

    I have the scenario not, it therefore can not test.

  • I keep the Befehl 40 pressed as I approach the signal below 40kmH, but I still get a Zwangsbremsung.

    Sorry for my bad english:

    You have to drive a speed less than 40 km/h. For example: 39,9 km/h.
    The vR Br. 103 will tolerance no speed above 39,9 km/h if you pass the red-signal.
    In Leverkusen (near the red signal), there is a hill (down) and your train will accelerate by himself.

    I hope you will understand.

  • Thanks for the replies,

    Es lag wohl daran, daß ich mit 40,3 über den Signal gefahren bin (da anderswo 40,3 = 40).

    Ich habe nochmal probiert, und bekam diesesmal keine Zwangsbremsung. Es fehlt aber immer noch der 500Hz Magnet (bleibt bis zum Signal unter 1000Hz überwachung).

    Ich habe jetzt das Szenario geschafft, in dem ich überall mit +5 KmH zu schnell gefahren bin!

