Driver Information Screens (Key 3 + Key 4) & USB

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  • Please anyone who has contact with the software guys involved in RW pass this questions and hopefully provide answers

    Key 3
    when will the Driver information screen be freely placable on the screen, possibly with a locking mechanism depending on the cab used?

    First sceen:
    a locomotive driver is usually not interrested in what goes on behind his CAB (except stations, aso), so it would be advisable to move the starting point of the screen showing the trackage to start from below for forward and to start from top for reverse, this will greatly simplify throwing switches and see the way to be traveled easier?

    Second screen:
    when will the gradient be shown with + or - for up and down, in German it would be best to call it "Neigung" and + or - and value shown in Promille (in 1/10 Percent)?

    when will the passenger loading be only shown when the train is stationary in a station where there is a planned stop, and not shown at all at other times?

    when will you not only show the state of the signal but also the speed it is to be passed?

    Third screen:
    then the third screen will be virtually obsolete (see second screen)?

    Forth screen:
    possibly create a new screen vertically much longer than at present, again to be freely placed on the screen, again possibly with a locking mechanism depending on the cab used?

    Key 4
    when will the screen Key 4 be changed to have in that order the actual speed, the speed to be expected in the near future (or aceleration/deceleration), the direction of travel (for steam locos the Percentage of cutoff, again with + or -), the throttle setting in Percent and the brake settings in Percent(loco, train, dynamic), again to be freely placed on the screen, again possibly with a locking mechanism depending on the cab used?

    when will a full USB-interface be available, RailDriver is not the state of the art (remember flight simulation)

