TS Classic IR 1645 Ploiesti Vest - Brasov

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Kommentare 3

  • Very enjoyable. Thanks for doing this. These Romanian routes are really good and always on the look out for new scenarios for them.

    I had the same issue as Kernow with the missing asset (RailStudio\RailVehicles\Passenger\Vagoane Y Modernizate\CFR 19-83 002\Vagon Y.bin) but I just replaced it in RWTools.

    Hope you do some more. I can't work the scenario editor. :)

  • Looks good but missing this CFR Calatory Aee 19-83 - RailStudio\RailVehicles\Passenger\Vagoane Y Modernizate\CFR 19-83 002\Vagon Y.bin
    maybe a reskin ? It's not in any of my Rail Studio passenger packs or in the link you posted to the Romanian Y-Type 19/20-83 Full Pack :/

  • NOTE: timetable in attachment is wrong (it's from train 1833), but in the scenario .rwp is correct one for 1645