This is a Formation Pack for the KWG BR182
This pack includes:
BR182 + IC Coaches x4 (Empty)
BR182 + IC Coaches x4 (Loaded)
BR182 + IC Coaches x7 (Empty)
BR182 + IC Coaches x7 (Loaded)
BR182 + IC Coaches x9(Empty)
BR182 + IC Coaches x9(Loaded)
BR182 + BR101 x4 (This option contains an Intercity wagon instead of the 3rd BR101 that was a mistake!)
If you cannot find these options make sure to turn off all Loco Filters when building your scenario
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- FolyLantern
- Version
- 4.26 and above
- Benötigte Payware
- Dispolok 182, BR101
- Benötigte Freeware
- none
- Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
- Original Release
KWG182 Fornation Pack.rar
12,59 kB (305 Downloads) -
696 Byte (221 Downloads)
Kommentare 2
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nix habe ausversehen doppelt geuploaded