TS Classic ThirdRails - Live Map Tracker - Multiplayer Radar - Extended Gameplay

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  • ThirdRails - Live Map Tracker - Multiplayer Radar - Extended Gameplay

    Experience a train driver's operation at the highest level of realism possible in Train Simulator on any route with ease, drive Real Live schedules, optional in Real Time, in a Multiplay style on the Community Radar with spoken announcements.

    ThirdRails Map Tool is a free live map tracker for the Dovetail Train Simulator game. It follows your train on beautiful maps so you always will know your whereabouts.

    You can view your ride on top of the game, on your second screen, or as an out-of-the-cab experience via any device using a webbrowser. You can play in a multiplay style on the Community Radar where you can follow and see anyone who is broadcasting his/her ride.

    New! ThirdRails 8 now support for Train Sim World 5!
    Real time tracking is not yet available(due to not yet available TSW API), but you can do Real Drives, get spoken announcements and station-to-station tracking.
    Please review the ThirdRails for Train Sim World Users page for all info.


    • Live Map Tracker - Multiplayer Radar
      • Live Map with several maptypes OSM, OpenRailWayMap, Bing satelite
      • Broadcast your ride to the Community Radar and view your ride on any device using a webbrowser
      • Community Radar, see other players and communicate (chat) with them using the integrated GPS-R Device
      • Support for Multiplayer Scenario's, see each other on the Radar and in game (More info: The Concept of Multiplayer Scenario's)
    • Extended Gameplay
      (Video: Extended Gameplay Explained)
      • ThirdRails Real Drive, consume real live schedules from industry leading providers to drive on Quick Drive and Freeroam scenario's using ThirdRails own HUD
      • Live Browser, to follow and keep up with the real service when driving in realtime
      • ThirdRails TS Drive, use ThirdRails HUD for TS standard and Career scenario's
      • Route Chaining, ride cross un merged multiple routes but have the illusion that you drive it in one
      • ThirdRails HUD, use ThirdRails HUD to execute (real live) timetables with configurable Timetable and Radar panels
      • AI drivenSpoken Announcements on any route/scenario in any language, fully configurable for own needs, based on free Windows Speech system or Azure AI
      • Just-In-Time Quick Drive Scenario editing to match path of your timetable
    • Extensive logging of your rides localy offering multiple professional Dashboards which you can design yourself.
    • Integrated Manual Viewer, to view your loco startup procedure in the cab, alternative with Youtube
    • ThirdRails Whistle Board, publish your rides to the Social Network for Train Simulators to inspire others and to get inspired

    ThirdRails Tool is available in 32 and 64 bits version. A 32 bits version is available on ThirdRails.org

    Tutorials and Support:

    For the best experience, it is recommended to run Train Simulator in Borderless mode. (Full Screen - Borderless)

    Contact info, Downloads, Tutorials and Support: ThirdRails.org

    Version and history: Roadmap
    Radar: Community Radar
    Social Network: Whistle Board

    The ThirdRails project is under continuous development, so keep an eye on the roadmap, or socials for fixes, enhancements and new features!

    ThirdRails is completely free, but donations are greatly appreciated: Make your donation here

    Zusätzliche Informationen

    Roland Beenhakker, Beentrain


    Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
    ThirdRails 8.0 (21-10-2024)
    Support for Train Sim World 5!!!
    While awaiting future API we will bring the following to TSW 5:
    Seamlessly use both TSC and TSW
    Use real-life schedules to drive in timetable/freeroam mode
    Use hand made timetable in timetable/freeroam mode
    Get AI driven announcements, based on timetable, on all routes
    Show Calling At on the Community Radar for a Multiplayer feeling (If we can get the GPS position)
    Basicaly all you can do on TSC except realtime Tracking, Logbook and Whistle Board
    Start recent service from logbook
    Custom Parameterized Timetable Announcements for Next Stop, Approaching and Calling At
    Use of SSML tags with AI Azure voice to alter speaking rate, pitches and pauses
    Randomized Timetable Announcements over multiple configurations. One voice multiple configuartions
    Mute announcement, in case you use Automated Map announcements or third party
    Auto Gong option. Play Gong before Next Stop, Approach and Calling At announcements

    For more info on What's New, please consult the RoadMap on ThirdRails.org!



Kommentare 6

  • Hi,

    ich hab die aktuellste Version von TRM (7.1) installiert und spiele den TS in der x64 DX12 Version. Leider bekomme ich immer nur die Fehlermeldung, dass er keine GPS-Position finden kann. Wenn ich aber z.B. das Speedometer anschalte, erhalte ich eine korrekte Geschwindigkeit. Die Verbindung zum TS scheint also generell da zu sein. Hat jemand eine Erklärung, warum ich keine GPS-Position erhalte?


    • Die DX12-Version von TSC implementiert die Datei „raildriver.dll“ nicht. Mit anderen Worten: Alle Anwendungen, einschließlich der Raildriver-Hardware, die die Datei „raildriver.dll“ verwenden, funktionieren nicht. TSC DX12 ist meines Wissens eine experimentelle Version

    • Ah okay, alles klar. Vielen Dank für die Info :)

  • Hallo,

    Bei mir werden keine Scenarios angezeigt, ich bekomme stattdessen einen JIT Debugging Fehler.

    Infos dazu finde ich auch keine, deshalb schreibe ich hier ob dieser Fehler bekannt ist.


    • Hallo, das ist ein bekanntes Problem und ich habe bereits eine Lösung dafür. Ich habe den Download-Link für den Fix 5.4.1 oben in die Beschreibung aufgenommen. Extrahieren Sie auf Ihren Computer und kopieren Sie die vorhandene Installation.

      Wenn Sie Fragen oder Probleme haben, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen!

      Grüße, Roland

      Danke 1
    • Beentrain Vielen Dank es läuft jetzt :)

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