Über 100 Gegenstände aus Laub, um Strecken die dringend benötigte Abwechslung zu verleihen. Dieses Paket hilft Streckenbauern, ihre Routen abwechslungsreicher zu gestalten. Mit Büschen, Unkraut, Bäumen und sogar einigen 3D-Schattenwerfern!
Mit einem standardisierten Benennungssystem ist es einfach, die gewünschten Assets zu finden.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von UKTrainSim (UKTS)! Vielen Dank!
Link zum original UKTS-Eintrag:…ThePacks&pack_id=Foliage1
Was ist in diesem Packet?
Box Strawberry,
Box Strawberry x4,
Bush 01 x4,
Bush 02 Line,
Bush Boxwood Sm,...
Bush Brambles 01,
Bush Brambles 02,
Bush Brambles 03,
Bush Brambles Loft,
Bush Hedge Near 10m,
Bush Hedge Near 20m,
Bush Hogweed 01,
Bush Rhododendron Lrg,
Bush Rhododendron Sm,
Bush Rosebay Willow 01,
Bush Roses,
Corn Single,
Field Corn 01,
Field Corn 02,
Field Corn 03,
Field Corn Line,
Field Corn Loft,
Field Corn Med,
Field Grain,
Field Grain Sm,
Field Strawberry,
Field Strawberry 01,
Field Strawberry 02,
Flower Bush,
Flower Flowerpot,
Flower Hortensia Med,
Flower Hortensia Sm,
Flower Line 20m,
Flower Purple,
Flower Purple Garden,
Flower Purple Sm,
Flower Rose Bush,
Flower Roses Sm,
Flower Roses Sm 02,
Flower Sunflower Line,
Flower Sunflower Med,
Flower Sunflower Sm,
Flower Yellow,
Grass 1a,
Grass 1b,
Grass 1b Loft,
Grass 1c,
Grass 1d,
Grass 1e,
Grass 1f,
Grass 1f Loft,
Grass Flowering,
Grass Green 01,
Grass Long 01,
Grass Long 02,
Grass Med 01,
Grass Med 02,
Grass Reeds 01,
Grass Reeds Sm,
Grass Sm 01,
Grass Sm 02,
Shrub Loft,
Tree 3D Apple,
Tree 3D Birch 01,
Tree 3D Birch 02,
Tree 3D Dead,
Tree 3D Misc 01,
Tree 3D Plane 01,
Tree 3D Plane 02,
Tree 3D Plane 03,
Tree Apple,
Tree Apple Line x4,
Tree Fir Sm 01,
Tree Fir Sm 02,
Tree Fir Sm 03,
Tree Fir Sm Group 01,
Tree Fir Sm Group 02,
Tree Park Sm,
Tree Pine Cut Group,
Tree Pine Med,
Tree Popler,
Tree Popler Line,
Tree Trunks,
Weed 01 Line,
Weed 02 Line,
Weed 03 Med,
Weed 04 Med,
Weed 05 Lrg,
Weed 06 Med,
Weed 07 Line,
Weed 08 Sm,
Weed 09 Sm,
Weed Bear Garlic,
Weed Dandelion 01,
Weed Distle 01,
Weed Distle 02,
Weed Fern 50m,
Weed Hogweed 01,
Weed Hogweed 02,
Weed Hogweed Bank,
Weed Line 10m,
Weed Line Mixed 20m,
Weed Line Mixed 40m,
Weed Nettles Dense,
Weed Nettles Line,
Weed Nettles Sm,
Bush Gorse 01,
Bush Gorse 02,
Bush Gorse 03,
Bush Gorse 04
- Kostenlos
- Einfach zu installieren
- Zuverlässige Ressource für Freeware-Entwickler
- Erhöht die Menge an verfügbaren kostenlosen Inhalten erheblich
The UKTrainSim Freeware Project is here to make your life easier. By collecting together freeware items and re-skins for RailWorks donated by the community into simple to download and install packs we hope to achieve the following core aims:
- Free
- Simple to install
- Reliable resource for freeware developers
- Significantly increase the amount of free content available
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- Julien, Nobkins, RSDerek, sad27
- Sprache
- EN
- Version
- 1.0.3
- Benötigte Payware
- -
- Benötigte Freeware
- -
- Release Datum
- 2. Oktober 2013
- File-ID
- 28642
- Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
- -
19,67 MB (2.634 Downloads) -
714,49 kB (377 Downloads)