Out of boredom, I tried to add TTB sounds to these repaints that had no sound before (well, at least in my game). And since they now have functional sound system linked to them, I added them here in case someone wanted to enhance the experience when having these wagons in their consist.
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- zAngryKitty
- Sprache
- English
- Version
- 1.1
- Benötigte Payware
- BR143 or BR151 Plus Pack [TTB]
- Benötigte Freeware
- Kesselwagen Repaints & Kkt wagen Repaints
- Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
- TTA Avia, Aral and Herberts added
672 Byte (119 Downloads) -
125,09 kB (174 Downloads)