The 'Koebler Waldtagen' is a popular regional event. As such, DB Regio offers an hourly service between Rinckenstadt and Koebler Wald. You are in charge of the 14.22 KW-service to Rinckenstadt and back.
Check the manual for the trains you need.
Updated a missing loco, which is now a standard one.
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- DutchDriver
- Sprache
- English
- Version
- 1.1
- Spielerlok-/Zug
- RS-1
- Strecke
- IKB3 Reloaded
- Benötigte Payware
- IKB3, RS1, Flirt3, 3DZ KI Pack, 3DZ Bm 235, 3DZ Bimz 264
- Benötigte Freeware
- -
- Dauer (in Min.)
- 50
Koebler Waldtagen .pdf
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Koebler Waldtagen .zip
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