TSW Repaint GP40-2 Norfolk Southern

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Kommentare 7

  • Es ist sehr schön...

  • Hello again,
    I've resolved it now, your Norfolk Southern reskin was in conflict with another GP40-2 repaint, the CSX yn3, if we extract that one out of the game your Horsehead now shows up correctly, I'm sorry to have caused any problems.

    Cheerz. Steve.

  • Hello,

    We had an automatic update today for the CSX GP40-2 from Steam, it has corrupted your repaint, I just thought you would like to be informed.

    Cheerz. Steve.

  • Fantastic, well done and thank you very much, this is outstanding.......

    • Thx! V1.2 online now, some little details corrected :) (white stripe on the side was going to far down)