There is no Swisstraindriver....Scenery/ , only Swisstraindriver\Swiss_OL_Tool\RailNetwork\SBB Fahrleitungsmasten\SceneryBlueprints\, \Wire and \GantryBlueprint
I'm confused, too. And the "fix" they made available does not solve the problem.
Beiträge von Crrispy
Route has been updated to version 1.1, with several improvements, especially in the Martigues-Caronte area, with a beautiful caronte bridge, the "Raffinerie de provence" modelled, etc....
Here a video (1080p60) :
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Sieht SEHR gut aus!
Danke. Indeed, I have driven several scenarios and nothing seems to be missing. This route is beautiful, big thanks and thumbs up to the author!
One question though. I have looked on mappy from Freilassing to Golling, and it seems it has nothing to do with this route? Is this wanted?
I have downloaded the route, version 1.1, but I'm missing a whole lot of assets in Developer\Salzburg\environment, and also in markusxy\Salzburg\environment.
Developer\Salzburg\environment\terrain\decals\puch urstein x1 y01.bin and dozens like this one, with other numbers
markusxy\Salzburg\environment\terrain\decals\bad vigauen x1 y1.binAnd lots of, too.
Any idea?