Beiträge von skretnicar

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    Thank you Vlado, but I'm not sure how to use it, because alle Files are empty yet.

    You don't need blender files. That files are there only for those who understand 3D modelling. So, export what has been selected on picture...

    In world editor, after you selected ObjectSetFilter => Developer => Addon, you can use tool like on picture. Still, I don't know what Auto Filter Results are for.

    Leider ist es mir dabei noch nicht gelungen, NUR den Fahrdraht korrekt im Zick-Zack zu verlegen wobei das Tragseil immer mittig liegt. Vieleicht findet ja jemand noch mehr darüber raus.

    I tried many ways but no success. My lower nodes has a shift to the left and right but the wire passes through them only if for Anchor type choose "Contact wire through point" and "Contact wire stop point" but then I lose Dropper (Fig.2)

    Here is my gantry..

    P.S. My previous failure was because I had a big mess on my scene. Nothing strange because this is a piece of a route that I used for testing.

    On RailWorks Wiki page, unfortunately, misses documentation how to, except skydome, make moving clouds too. I researched and got some results. On the picture you can see clouds in my own arrangement. Download template and make your own variations. Package contains source files of Blender, 3dCanvas and already made sky.IGS and sky.XML files. If you make something better I hope you will share it with the community.

    Note: In template there aren't texture like on picture, there are very simple ones that you need to replace with your own ones. So, take your camera and go in cloud hunt :)

    For download visit my blog.
