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    I just saw on google maps that there is a railway on the other side of the Rhein River as well between Mainz and Koblenz.

    I wonder if there are plans to bring this to TSW4?

    Does anyone have information about this north track?

    English (original below)

    Was wäre, wenn eine neue MSB von Aschaffenburg nach Darmstadt oder weiter mit einer separaten Linie nach Frankfurt gebaut werden könnte? (Ich bitte nicht um eine Erweiterung auf MSB, da dies zu schwierig sein könnte.)

    Könnte S-Bahn-Dienste betreiben.

    Könnte auch mehrere Filialen haben.

    Seien Sie bitte nett, ich weiß sehr wenig über den Zugbetrieb in Deutschland, geschweige denn MSB und Frankfurt.

    Ich genieße es einfach und Miltenberg ist eine tolle Neuigkeit!!


    Ich weiß, dass es eine separate Route zu MSB wäre, der obige Vorschlag.

    Außerdem frage ich mich angesichts der neuen Funktionen in TSW4, ob MSB vollständig aktualisiert werden kann, sodass die Hügel/Berge sichtbar sind? Ich weiß, dass es nicht wirklich Berge gibt und überlasse die Entscheidung der DTG.

    Ich habe auf YouTube ein Video von Ian Poole mit echten Zügen gesehen, das wie ein 422 in Aschaffenburg aussieht. Ich frage mich, ist das eine S-Bahn-Verbindung aus Frankfurt? Und gehen? Oder umgekehrt.


    Mehrere Zweige mit einer Länge von mindestens 5-15 km würden die Sache wirklich interessant machen!!!

    Und ja, ich werde die Rangierlok BR204 kaufen, damit ich in MSB zum Hafen fahren kann ...

    What if a new MSB could be built from Aschaffenburg to Darmstadt or further with a separate line to be included to Frankfurt. ( I am not asking for an extension to MSB as that might be too hard)

    Could run S-bahn services.

    Also could have several branches as well.

    Please be nice I know very little of train operations in Germany let alone MSB and Frankfurt.

    I'm just enjoying it and Miltenberg is an awesome piece of news!! *jippy**jippy**jippy**jippy*


    I know it would be a separate route to MSB, the suggestion above.

    Also I am wondering with the new features in TSW4 if MSB can be fully upgraded so the hills/mountains can be seen? I know there aren't really mountains and will leave it to DTG to decide.

    I saw a video on youtube from Ian Poole of real trains and looks like a 422 at Aschaffenburg. I am wondering, is that an S-bahn service from Frankfurt? And going to? Or vice versa.

    Having several branches of at least 5-15km in length would make things really interesting!!!

    And yes I'm going to buy the BR204 shunting loco so I can go to the port in MSB...

    Thank you for such an informative answer!

    Do some people use these trains to get to Frankfurt? Or is commuting too far?

    Hey. I am a native of Bad Mergentheim and am currently a trainee train driver on this route. if you want to know anything specific about this line, I'm sure I can help you. And if not, I definitely know someone who can.

    Hi Baureihe,

    Thank you!!

    What are the normal trains used on the route?

    I am also a train driver in Australia but currently I do not work in railway.

    If you have some videos or photos of stations and trains would be great!!!

    The 628 from Niddeltalbahn runs on the route?

    Can you catch a train to Aschaffenburg from Bad Mergentheim that goes on the Main railway ie the route next to Tauber and Main river?

    How many or what kind of landmarks are there? Maybe some photos or videos too?

    Please share some knowledge of the route, it is very interesting.

    Maybe one day we can use the new route editor to make it.

    Do freight trains run on the route?

    Thank you. I will ask more questions soon haha :)


    PS I have included one photo of the famous Australian passenger train "The Indian Pacific". I took this about 29 years ago!

    The single track route starting at Aschaffenburg is VzG-5220 Aschaffenburg - Miltenberg → DE-Wiki

    Passenger trains run as Main-Tauber-Express from Aschaffenburg to Wertheim via Miltenberg.

    Since a few month street view should be covering most of Germany. If you have access to that, you can use Apple Maps instead which got most of Germany covered too.

    Port and the branch line at Lohr are used if you own Rivet Games Br204 add-on. Though the services delivered with it aren't that high quality.

    Passenger stations on the Aschaffenburg - Miltenberg line aren't used in the game.

    Thank you!!

    Yes I see the collectables there at the two stations.

    I was thinking maybe it can be made into another Niddletalbahn style route!

    With street view I noticed Germany prohibited it and have noticed it just this last week.

    I am going to get the 204 when it's on sale.

    I may make a scenario for the 628 from Niddeltalbahn for the 2 stations, one is Aschaffenberg Sud. They have been made nicely and they have collectables.

    Reminds me of the Dresden station going to the airport that is not used either. But it has no collectables.

    The Dresden Riesa is epic and hope it can be a new route to Leipzig or Berlin. Especially the freight part where it turns north from the Riesa bound freight line. I think that goes to Leipzig.

    Hi everyone,

    I am Daniel from Australia and usually post in the DTG forums.

    I have been enjoying the TSW2 (in TSW3) Main Spessart Bahn and noticed it has the port and a branch.

    I am very interested in this!

    I see there is a single line railway extending south from Aschaffenberg along the Main and Tauber rivers to Bad Mergentheim and beyond.

    Does anyone here that lives in Germany or have knowledge on this route?

    As I always get spammed google results when searching for tickets etc to find out about railways in Europe.

    I noticed it is quite unusual to have google street view in Germany but Bavaria seems to be an exception.

    Here is Bad Mergentheim in Google Street View.,9.771662,3a,75y,110.72h,85.28t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOCbBeEsG2InMLfiUdm5t5eNDkxJ6IFRtts5mf3!2e10!3e11!!7i5656!8i2828?hl=en&entry=ttu

    I love the idea Main Spessart Bahn has the port and the small industrial branch. They are both unused. I mean there are no services (there are 2 passenger train stations south of Aschaffenberg that aren't used on the way to the port). Or am I missing something?

    Near Germunden, Main Spessart Bahn