Beiträge von i29

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    First of all, on behalf of the TrainMotion Team, we want to say thank you for appreciating our work and for your feedback !

    As you've already seen, an optional update in the form of an hotfix has been uploaded on the site for those who want the cab car exterior cameras to be put inside the low poly cab.After downloading the additional file, simply run the .exe and it will modify the camera positions for the cab cars.

    About the pneumatic brake levers, stop/headlights and PZB magnet, they will be corrected in an update which will be released in the near future. :thumbup:

    Best regards,

    TrainMotion Team

    The Train Motion vehicles are excellent, but so are the prices. For a Z2 pack over 40.-€ the double-decker pack almost 50.-€. I wonder who can afford that in Romania?

    I get the suspicion there are "special prices" for Western Europe *think*

    Hello, I see a lot of comments regarding the price here.

    As we posted on our Facebook page, for the Dostos Full Pack (18 cars), the price/car is 2.34€, which is less than other developers.
    If we made smaller packs then some would probably ask "Why isn't that paint scheme/variation there?" as in the case of the Sputnik car without the DB "biscuit", if we do larger packs, the price is too big..

    Please take into consideration the details of the body, bogie, passenger view (it has cameras in the whole interior which as far as we know is a very rare feature among doubledecker cars in any train simulator), sounds, plus other fine details.
    Not to mention that these are vintage cars, so making an accurate replica of them requires extra research, especially regarding the body textures so that it looks as real as possible.

    A good example of extra research involved is the Bautzen Z2 "Komfortwagen" cars of which there are very few photos of the interior, but they were still done for Train Simulator and in a realistic fashion.

    Speaking of the "extra" Z2 cars, of which you say that we are making them just for the "extra money", no, this is not the reason. The reason was to complete the Z2 pack because the "Komfortwagen" and the prototypes were not available for Train Simulator. And yes these products are made for you, the German public, but not from a price perspective as I explained above. The RO public is not as interested although they bought the packs too.

    Also, because you ask if anyone in Romania could afford these prices, we also have Romanian modernized doubledeckers on our site which is a 12-car pack with a price/ car of 3.33€, which Romanians appreciated and bought. As you can see, the German Full Pack has a better price/car ratio.

    I hope this will bring some light on the matter as this will be our last comment about the price that we put on our work. We hope that you understand that, and focus on the more positive things we hardly created for you to enjoy.


    Hello,my name is Alex Borza and I'm a team member of TrainMotion, currently working on the German Dosto pack, happy to meet you :) Sorry to write in English but I don't know German very well.
    First of all, thank you for your interest and feedback both on the DWA and the doubledecker cars !

    Regarding the steuerwagen, we would need some help if anyone can offer it :

    1)The author from writes that some Dostos(especially the original, dark green ones) came with block brakes instead of disc brakes, could anyone confirm this and if the other infos(car numbers,etc) can be trusted from this site? We thought all the German Dostos came with disc brakes from the factory.

    2)Interesting facts wrote by @BigBenjy, we would need as much as possible some help with photos showing interior and exterior differences between different steuerwagen variants(original,"Berlin",partially modernised,etc) so if anyone could post here it would be greatly appreciated.

    3)Is there a RAL colour code available for the "mustard" paintscheme?Because some cars look more like an olive colour, others like mustard, and some are orange(like the H0 modelism cars).Or there were different colours applied with the same paintscheme?

    4)What type of bogeysound would better equip the Dostos, the classic "tam-tam,tam-tam" jointed rail or the welded rail sound without the joint sound?

    Have a great day !