Beiträge von Raphie1996

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    sekr yes. I also realise that. But they never open after the second stop. Not 1 doorset. And as mentioned, the unloading objective works at the first stop. But after the second TS doesn’t accept release as unloading.

    I also like to clarify I installed and reinstalled the route multiple times. Deleted blueprint.pak multiple times, none to any avail.

    TSGPlayer I know. But that doesn’t happen. That’s the problem.

    Only when using manual door control (after Ctrl+Shift+T) on both series the doors stop opening after the second stop. They “unlock”. But no door opens. And TS won’t recognise unlocked doors when the objective is unloading (not halting).

    And I am a 100% sure 2 DT5’s brake worse than 3 DT5’s.


    When I use manual doorcontrol and I release the doors, they never open after the second stop unless pressing "T". I have this problem with all vehicles (DT4 and DT5). Is this a known bug?

    Also, when using the DT5, it seems it brakes far better with 3 units instead of 2. That wouldn't be realistic right?

    I am looking forward to your response.




    When I use manual doorcontrol and I release the doors, they never open after the second stop unless pressing "T". I have this problem with all vehicles (DT4 and DT5). Is this a known bug?

    Also, when using the DT5, it seems it brakes far better with 3 units instead of 2. That wouldn't be realistic right?

    I am looking forward to your response.




    Ist jemand aufgefallen, dass der DT5 in Doppeltraktion eine andere Brems physics hat als beim Fahren in Dreifachtraktion? Mit ein Doppeltraktion sind die Bremse viel schwacher. Ich mus immer ein vollbremsung machen. Ist das ein “known-bug”?