Beiträge von LucaR

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    Hello once again!

    We had just released the route Alba Iulia-Zlatna, which is about a 42 kilometers route and mostly Diesel, in the beautiful landscapes in the middle of Transylvania! The price, converted from lei, is circa 14 euros. Also, we have a sale for the Transylvania Route V3, and if you own both the V3 and the Alba Iulia-Zlatna Route, you will freely unlock the Transylvania Route V3.5, which is an united route of the above mentioned.

    Also, if you bought the V2 and did not update to V3, you can use the code V2Discount to get a 80% sale on the V3.

    You can find us on our railmarkt website.

    Hello once again!

    We've finally released the natural continuation of the V2 route, which is the extension to Cluj Napoca, one of the most known cities of Transylvania.

    Please take note that the people who bought the V2 route can use this code on checkout in order to get a 25% discount, reducing the route to the price of aprox. 24 euros: "PurchasedV2".

    Here is a preview.

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    The route can be found here:

    All the best!

    Yes, of course! The V2 route is completely standalone, and you can buy it and install it even if you do not own V1. What we tried to say there was that if you already own V1, you no longer need to install one of the two rwp files that come with the V2 archive. If you do not own V1, you have to install everything from the archive (Custom Objects 1, Custom Objects 2 and the route itself).

    Please let me know if there's anymore problems. :)

    Transylvania Route V2 (Deva-Mediaș-Câmpia Turzii) is finally launched and can be found on!

    The extension adds aprox. 50 more kilometers, which means that the route is over the 200 kilometers mark. This time we are presenting a classic section, bringing places like Aiud, Războieni and Câmpia Turzii to life for the first time in Train Simulator Classic.

    Likewise with the former launch, we will have a beta period of a week, in which we will rely on your support and feedback. We thank you all!

    The extension is standalone and it does not need the first route in order to be bought or to work. The price, converted from lei, is around 18 euros.

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    I'd like to present to you a Romanian project, more precisely, the Transylvania Route project, for now consisting only of Mediaș-Teiuș-Deva. This is a continuation of a former project, which consisted of Teiuș-Alba Iulia-Cugir-Deva region (around 100 km's).

    The latest extension of the project, consisting of the Teiuș-Mediaș line brings 62 1:1 more kilometers to the already existing ~100 kilometers of the route (counting Simeria Triaj and Șibot-Cugir too). The extension, being inspired by the real landscape and infrastructure of the area, presents to you Coșlariu Gr. Mureș, Cistei, Crăciunel, the iconic and historical city of Blaj, Câmpia Libertății, Mănărade, Glogoveț, Valea Lungă, Lunca, Micăsasa, Șeica Mică, Copșa Mică, Târnava and Mediaș.

    All of this, together with the old portions of the route, can mostly be travelled at the intended speed of 160 km/h, taking full benefits of this part of the Pan-European Corridor IV. The ETCS-compliant signaling system is also integrated in the new section of the route, marked with specific infrastructure components.

    Please take a minute to check the project at Also, here you may find the old project, as well as the Silvania Route (a semi-realistic route) at no charge!

    Transylvania Route V1 is now at sale, 100 lei meaning it costs around 20 euros this week. Please beware of the dependencies that you need for this, as you might have to download assets from

    For long term, we intend on extending the route to Cluj-Napoca, Sighișoara and Arad.

    For a first look at the route, i've prepared a timelapse video for it:

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    Thank you.