hi friend. no i have simple control and ALL activate
Beiträge von Un veneziano al volante
hello everybody
i just buy 2 train of sbb from railworX
Is my first buy
I buy dosto and re 460
1 i dont see the red handle for accelerate is normal?
2 in the readme file there is 2 method to start automatic an manual
in automatic is write that i must press ctrl,shift,S
But nothing happen
Who i must do?
thank so much to everybody
Hello friends
Can i uncouple the second talent in the all scenario of Koln map?
If yes how i can do??
I do a repiant in livery editor, but when i play the first talent have my livery and the second attach convoy is red DB
(my work is no sense)
Thanki so much
Hi gesingus . im in pc steam
Ahhhh ok. Now i undestand all
Thank you so much for the complete information and your kindness
ciao marco
Ah ok
Thank you for the answer.
Im going to buy new dlc, but how i can know if the dlc will be ok for livery editor?
Thank you again
What you mean for "preserved collection"
So, i just buy Arosa DLC line for test
It appear on the livery editor. i can edit it...............
So how i can know, and/or where i can find if one dlc collection is preserved or not?
Thank you so much
Hello everybody
i just buy the dlc main spassert bahn
But in livery editor, on the left side of the list, not appear the doble stock, the br185 and br146
I see only the consist trains of the basic default pack
(that i already do successfully some livery job)
Thank you so muh
Hi my friend yes "limit" was fot the second part
Ahh ok. now i undesrtand
Ok, im happy that MR. Muff find a method , im sad that they not share the method...
Nooo, is my custom logo , Mr. Muff is doing only officla logo , i cannot ask him to do it for me
Ok, now i know that i cannot, and i never find a way to do it
thank you very much for your perfect explanation
Hello everybody
I like the livery editor inside tsw2 but there is a limit
I cannot use my custom logo. How i can do it?
One man sucessfully create a logo pack (trainsim.cz) I downlooad it (is a .pak file) and in section logo inside livery editor i find 50 logo of official train company
- i try to decompresse the file .pak with quikbms and the operzion was sucessfully
- i try to open the decompressed files with umodel but here was a problem, i not see nobody
(my focus was to export on efile in .tga file, edit with my custom logo, cook in unreal editro and reimport in the .pak file
So what wrong?
There is a way to do the same with a custom logo? Do you have a solution?
Thank in advance to everybody
Hello everybody
I want do some repaint in TSW 2
I see the video fromJohn Roman that i find in the wiki page
All is work from main .pak folder (packs)
Now i m tryong to do some repaint from a loco in the DLC folder but i cannot open .pak fle from DLC folder
Quick bms give me error
Can someone help me?
Thank in advance
Gruss gott to everybody
- signature of 4 bytes at offset 0x0000000225224b84 doesn't match the one
expected by the script:
this one: ""
00 00 00 00 ....
expected: "oZ"
e1 12 6f 5a ..oZ
- 0 files found in 0 seconds
coverage file 0 0% 4 9212939184 . offset 0000000225224b88
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