Hello Kreuzkopf,
Thank you! That solved the problem! Now I can enjoy the route much more!
Hello Kreuzkopf,
Thank you! That solved the problem! Now I can enjoy the route much more!
Thank you Sven, that solved the problem closing the scenario. This setting turnes it off, but this doesn't solve the problem running thru a red signal. When completing the session, in the summary, I did still drove thru 3 red signals (and one I only know of....), so there must be a problem with something. I don't know where te look.
I have version 1.1, and I like the route very much. But I come across very naughty failures when I'm driving some scenario's. Not all of them are faulty, but most of them are... Much often I get the failure: passed a signal at danger. But there is not any signal, or the signal i've driven by is save... Look at the attachment, it's the build in scenario "Suburbian train leading to Bremen". Also the scenario "locoarrangement" gives the same error when leaving the station. Also the 2 scenarios deliverd with the Reko 50.35 are faulty, when leaving the main track the train runs thru a signal at danger.... there is no signal... . There is no differance in the 32-bit and 64-bit version, en when running onder PZB, or without...
When I make a copy of the scenario "suburbian train" and I put the playertrain to the opposite track of the platform, the scenario runs well! . What's wrong with the track? What do I have to do to drive the scenario's to a good end?
Greetings from Holland
Isn't this just the failure that you can cirumvent by pressing ctrl+q? Or am I wrong?
Yes, i does! Scenario 2 is now allso working!
Where did you find this upgrade? Did You check the Readme completely?
Yes, I have downloaded and installed all the items and route... There are just 2 folders with content, and they are in the correct folder.
Bestimmt bei Trainworks. Aber die Seite ist ja seit kurzem down
Yes, it was at the end of 2018... and the site is now down...
Do you get the error message with career Szenariros?
Yes, I did. The second career scenario gave an error on starting up. Yesterday I have tried to make a new scenario, and I got a shut down of the game. Then I have tried to clone and adust the second scenario, no luck...
I just could not get the route to work...
But today (I wanted to try again before visiting this forum) I can finally drive some scenario's and make new one's! I don't know what happend here, but it seems to be OK now!
Thank you very much for you're support here! I hope the route is doing alright now, when its going o give more problems, I'll be back here...
I've downloaded the upgrade 2.0 for the route Köln-Koblenz, but I can't drive any scenario's: Railworks crashes. He just can't find the Track.bin...
How can I repear this failure?
Fokke Boschma