Beiträge von deusto

    Hello friends.

    Here we can appreciate the difference between this video and the previous one, the difference?,
    many bulbs have been removed and still looks great.

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    As we say mistakes, it's fair to say what we like too, the truth is that I like the route and I think the price is correct.

    The decoration is correct and there are many details to see, since there are many tracks in the stations,
    It is a great joy for lovers of making passenger and merchandise compositions.

    On a free stage, this would be many hours of entertainment,Similarly, we can have trains for all tastes circulating.

    So, except for what has already been said about the problem of the tracks and the jerks in the stations.

    In my opinion it's worth buying the route,we can only wait for the update.

    Thank, deusto.

    Hello everyone.

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    This is the Olten station at night, the patches are included and we can see that it remains the same.

    My computer has 32gb of ram DDR4, nvidia 1080 ti graphics and a last generation i9 processor.

    I think my computer should be fine, without having to hit or lower the graph.

    Without wanting to enter into any controversy, I would recommend looking at the lights that are in the stations, it seems that there are many,
    one on top of the other.

    What makes us have a lot of graphic load when we go through the stations.

    thank, deusto.

    Hi i have a problem on this route, on the tracks, a strange effect comes out that hinders the view.

    I have also observed that during the night, no matter what station, the camera goes slowly, then having tried the patch,

    everything remains the same, If under the graphics settings you don't see many things.

    Thank you very much.