Beiträge von pirpen67

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    I have now look in the +000004+000008.bin again and I do not have any line that says RLB or something about water. Maybe we have diffrent versions of the route?

    I downloaded the route when it came out and everything worked great. Then I downloaded the updated version (v.1.01) and the water was gone. I then downloaded the two aufgaben-paket (BeLuxTrains) from this site and they are great as the route. But still no water.

    I have not downloaded the Dampf Edition of the route yet. Is it that version you drive?

    This make me crazy..

    I have made the +000004+000008.bin to a xml-file and open it in notepad. But I can not find where the water lines are and replace them?

    Is the Szenery editor in RW Tools? I have it, but can not find the Szenery editor.

    What happend to this route? When I first put it in, there was water. After the first update, there was no water longer? I really like the route, but without water, it is no fun to drive it!

    Hallo ,

    die fehlenden Wasserflächen habe ich , wie auch die meisten anderen hier , gegen vorhandene getauscht . Bei mir nutze ich die aus München-Augsburg .

    <Provider d:type="cDeltaString">RSC</Provider>
    d:type="cDeltaString">Environment\Water\Water Reflective.xml</BlueprintID>

    Please help me. I have no water in Rostock S-bahn. Where do I put the text above? In the RouteProperties file? And where in that file? Please help!

    Maybe someone can make a Rostock water update, so all of us, can have water in this great route..

    First I want to say that I love your great route. The only thing is that
    it is a little short, will it be longer? And you should use the
    DDR-objects from the Magdeburg route. Also hope to see some more
    DR-trains. So thanks again for one of the best freeware route!

    Google transle:
    möchte ich sagen, dass ich liebe deine große Route. Die einzige Sache
    ist, dass es ein wenig zu kurz, wird es länger sein? Und Sie sollten die
    DDR-Objekte von der Strecke Magdeburg zu verwenden. Hoffe auch, um
    einige weitere DR-Züge zu sehen. Also nochmals vielen Dank für eine der
    besten Freeware-Strecke!

    Hallo Mumpfi! How is it going? Status please, I like the routes you are making. Are the U-bahn and the strassenbahn in the same route or are they their own routes?

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    S1 nach Warnemünde

    Hi Christoph! How is it going with the route? Just love DR-trains...

    Thanks, but I know about the great trains from rw0381!

    I was thinking about this trains:…achment&attachmentID=5108…013041400008wsdk4qyuo.jpg

    I think I find the trains I was looking for now!? RLB-team have them (and others):…?page=Thread&threadID=180 Seem they are building a route also, but don´t know if it gonna be freeware or payware? I try Download-page, but nothing there..

    I have seen many east german trains in the screenshot and projekt tread. They look finish, but maybe they not are? Are they gonna be payware or freeware? What are there status? I am really into these trains and would love to drive the Ferkeltaxi in Railworks..

    Sorry to write in English, but not so good in german!