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    Much appreciated for the feedback :)

    I've worked my way trhough the list and disabled all providers not being used by the route itself. Took me a bit longer to get into this as I'm quite busy in real life.

    This will be updated with the next version; which also comes with multiple enhancements like build in ETCS on some sections to better work with the Christrains 186, hectometre numbering and a new section of tracks about 20km's long.

    Thanks again


    Where i can find this objects:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\newS\Misc\scenery\vehicles\actros_trailer_albertheijn.bin,

    These are repaints with actual Dutch companies; can be downloaded here. Got to Objecten>Dutch Truck Pack
    I believe this pack has been renamed lately and the manuel still has it listed under its old name.


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\pgr\scenery\kraan knik\kraanknik_exp.bin,
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\pgr\sce.....

    Yeah Pgr's scenery is a bit of mess; i.e. multiple packages with duplicates and neither of them holding anything.
    The ones you seek should be in the pack found at ChrisTrains ; search for 'PGR Dutch scenery and buildings' at this page.
    The section about pgr will get a slight update when i release the next version of this route; as this also gave some issues with the Dutch community.

    A quick introduction; I'm the creator of this (fictional) Dutch route and it's very nice to see some people over here are interested in driving around the Netherlands :)
    I'm not particularly skilled at written German so I will reply in English instead; altough i can read German just fine.

    The catenary used within this route may be found here; please note that if you previously installed this package (required for another Dutch route for example); you update it to its latest version; or you may still miss some things at particular sections ;)
    Regarding the windmills it depends if you mean the classic ones made out of brick or the modern ones that can be seen all over europe these days:
    The older ones: Link (you only need the assets; not the route itself)
    The modern ones: Link -->NS Station Objects & scenery
    Just like the catenary be sure to also install these if you've done so before because all these packs are regularly being updated

    If there are any other questions let me know ;)