RW Tools Asset Editor help needed

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  • Hi I am trying to set up a Rolling Stock list with the Asset Editor in RW Tools. I have checked the box "Rolling Stock Only" and made sure that the Assets Folder is selected from the file view but when I click "Add to list" nothing is added to the grid in the bottom screen. Am I doing something wrong ?

    Edit : I have updated to the latest version 5.0.23 and am now getting a Serz Application error but if I select Individual RailVehicle folders it now lists correctly in the grid at the bottom although the Serz Error keeps showing.

  • Hi,
    you might want to ask that question over at UKTS. Since Mike Simpson, programmer of the tool, hangs out there and has it's own subforum:
    And you will be more successful over there with questions in english ;)

    It might be you are on track of a bigger problem, it could also be that RWTools isn't quiet optimized yet for TS14 and especially this feature. Since it usually scans all the folders for .bin files, but there were (and still are) problems with the new .ap files.

    If you get this serz error only at a certain point it more looks like an error in RWTools to me. I haven't tried this yet and have still to update to version 5. Not doing much with the tool lately unfortunately.


  • Thanks. I've e-mailed Mike Simpson directly to see if he knows what the problem is. I cannot create a Rolling Stock list from the Assets folder but I can if I go to each RailVehicle folder and build it gradually although the serz application error persisits all the way making it a time consuming process as it has to be cancelled every time.