(RT) Rbns 646

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  • Das ist echt genial, was Railtraction da am basteln ist in letzter Zeit. Vor allem die Qualität und der Preis. Bin sehr zufrieden mit den Güterwagen.

    Liebe Grüße Julia <3

  • auf Facebook:

    new updates on the wagons see below,
    We did more improvements on the brake sounds, now the wagon require more brake pressure before you hear the brakes squeezing high tone sounds,
    this effect is compatible with every locomotive.

    Before you start downloading please take time to read the following information, it safe you time to update.

    If you own one of the wagons, download one of the updated wagons and following our instruction below.

    If you bought our latest Rbns646, Rns1,Shimms , wagon set? do not download any of the addon updates: follow our instruction below.

    In the root folder from one of the wagons you will find one file which is called: WagonScript.out
    Follow: Assets/Railtraction/(("wagonname"))/ WagonScript.out

    copy this updated script to all our wagons and paste it and overwrite it. if you do it like this you rapidly update all our wagons to the latest updated stage.

    Updated list:
    samms709 cargo version 1.5
    samms709 army version 1.3
    Sggnss80 container pack1 version 1.4
    Sggnss80 container pack2 version 1.4
    Sggnss80 Tanktainer version 1.3
    sggrs80-intermodal-wagons version 1.3
    sggrs80-tanktainer-wagons version 1.3
    Tads_958 version 1.2
    ootz44-pack version 1.2
    hbbillns-cargo version 1.3
    Laagrs80 version 1.3