DB BR 146.5 & BR 668.2 'Intercity 2' Destinations

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  • Hi,

    I'm hoping someone could help. I've bought DTG's "DB BR 146.5 & BR 668.2 Intercity 2 " in the hopes of making a few scenarios with it. However the destinations on both seem not to be showing and I'm not seeing any way to change the destinations from the scenario editor as normal with DTG stock.

    Would anyone know how I can change these destinations or are they just generally buggy and don't work on both?


    Stevie (Get-Geeky)

  • I was messing about with it again this morning and I "think" I cracked the reason why the destinations board on the 668 is buggy.

    I'm no expert at editing files but I did extract the .ap file for it and navigated to \RailWorks\Assets\DTG\IC2Pack01\RailVehicles\Electric\IC2\DBpbzfa668\Textures\Destinations and there is one Destinations.TgPcDx file which when you open it up in TS-Tools and view the image it has all the destinations on one file. So in the game itself it tries to load all of these at the same time and fails. So classic DTG buggy content unfortunately.

    Whereas in the Talent 442 for example, it has Destination_A.TgPcDx, Destination_G.TgPcDx etc. This ties in with you being able to edit the loco numbers in the scenario editors and using the appropriate letter to change the destination.

    Other's more experienced in making changes and enhancements to loco's may correct me though.

    Anyway sorry for the rant and answering my own question :)