PZB - Rhein Ruhr Osten

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  • Hi everyone!

    First of all, I don't speak German so I'll post this in English. I hope that's not a problem.

    I was driving the last service of the day on RRO to Langerfeld Depot. Before the Langerfeld Depot, there's a red signal(Hp0 + Sh1). While I was passing the signal I was holding Befehl 40 but I still got "WT nicht zeitgerecht betätigt!". Here's the link to the video: https://drive.google.com/file/…llSNwWWE/view?usp=sharing

    I don't know why, but on that red signal there's an active 1000 Hz magnet. I asked some people and they said that those 2 white dots mean that I'm changing track.

    Can someone explain why did this happen and should there really be a 1000 Hz active magnet on this sort of red signal?


  • Hi Andrej,

    that is definitely a mistake of the route/the signal. You´re right with holding Befehl 40 while passing the red signal. Indeed, the white Befehl-40 indicator light didn´t illuminate during the override, therefore, the 2000 Hz-magnet hasn´t been active at all. Instead of that, the 1000 Hz-magnet seemed to be active, but this is incorrect (in the context of real life railway). Therefore, you did right and the game is wrong.


  • BlueAngel

    Hat das Label TSW hinzugefügt.