hello guys I hope I did not have a wrong section in which case I apologize.I also apologize for my language I use a translatorI'm making an ETR500 for high speed Italian but unfortunately after having model and cabin with all the working parts I had to stop because I do not understand anything about the script and language lua, so I hope someone can help me.I have to create a digital speedometer but without having to create an object for every single number, but something that makes them repeat from 0 to 9 without weighing the project, turning on the network I found several scripts already made but none that could be efficient for me, so I have adapted this that I will show you below, I hope you can help me thanks
gSpeedo = (math.floor(Call("*:GetControlValue", "SpeedometerMPH", 0)))
_, _, gHundreds, gTens, gUnits = string.find(gSpeedo, "(%d)(%d)(%d)")
if Call("*:GetControlValue", "SPUnits", 0) == 0 then
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPUnits", 0, tonumber(gUnits))
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPTens", 0, (0))
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPHundreds", 0, (0))
elseif Call("*:GetControlValue", "SPTens", 0) == 0 then
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPUnits", 0, tonumber(gUnits))
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPTens", 0, tonumber(gTens))
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPHundreds", 0, (0))
elseif Call("*:GetControlValue", "SPHundreds", 0) == 0 then
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPUnits", 0, tonumber(gUnits))
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPTens", 0, tonumber(gTens))
Call("*:SetControlValue", "SPHundreds", 0, tonumber(gHundreds))