[ENGLISH] Scenario wth announcements

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  • Hallo allezusammen!

    I have created a scenario for the Im Köblitzer Bergland v3 reloaded route and I'm planning to make more. But I have a problem, since I'm not from germany, thus, I don't speak german. I really want announcements (Bordansage) in the scenario and I know how to make it, but I was wondering if someone could record the announcements and send them to me, so I can use it in my scenario. If someone would do it, then I would be really grateful! I also need some things translated from english to german!

    But first here is some information about the scenario :D [It's fictional]

    Zugname: IR 3422 (Der Berglander)
    Zug: vR BR120 OR EL
    Startpunkt: Wildau
    Endepunkt: Mannhaim Hbf (Bad Rinckenburg)
    Datum: 12/08/1997

    If you want to do the announcements, then please reply to this thread and you can add me on steam
    Here are a couple of pictures :D