ALEX-train with ER20 and 2 Class cars

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  • Hi Simmer


    on the main page right side Rail Simulator / downloads / Dieselloks around 11.10. the ALEX-train with ER20 and 2 Class cars has been made available for downloading.

    The models were originally created by Astauder for MSTS and published now for the RS / RW.

    The cab is Cab from HST (High Speed Train, UK) (creation of its own has been announced), and the cars are not the actual cars (see the readme - german only, however unpack the zip-file to your directory of joyce and install – it is ALEX_train_Beta09.rpk).

    But, and this is new: if you apply power to fast, you can hear wheel slippage of the wheels acoustically (currently more of a rattle than a chirp/sing, but a start in the right direction).

