RSSLO – Strecke Spielfeld-Strass – Bad Radkersburg
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This diesel route is 31.1 km long and was created in 1885. The route has nine stations and the first station is Spielfeld Strass, which is the border between Austria and Slovenia. The route is running mostly between fields and it ends in Bad Radkersburg. In the past the line in Bad Radgersburg also continued to Slovenia, but the bridge over the river Mura was demolished. This route doesn’t have light signals, because it uses the ZLB system (Zugleitbetrieb), which means that it uses signs instead of light signals. The light signals are only located on the Spielfeld Strass station. The highest driving speed on the line is 80 km/h. All the new assets for this route are created by us and so there is no need to have any other asset packs installed except for the scenarios.
Preis: 13,99 €
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