2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [RunTimeError] - Duplicate Scenario GUID in SerializeDatabase 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [RunTimeError] - ASSERT(mScenarioMap.find( scenario->getScenarioID() ) == mScenarioMap.end()); 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [RunTimeError] - cScenarioDatabase::SerializeDatabase() 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\ScenarioManager\cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1251 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, RailSimulatorCore 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: e.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, RailSimulatorCore 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\CoreLibrary\cEntity.cpp : 1256 = Inhaltskonzeptset " Kuju\RailSimulatorCore" fehlt 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 270 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, RailSimulatorCore 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, RailSimulatorCore 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: e.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\CoreLibrary\cEntity.cpp : 1272 = Inhaltskonzept "e.xml" fehlt 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\CoreLibrary\cEntity.cpp : 1272 = Inhaltskonzept "edujur\gizmo\scenario markers\standard scenario marker.xml" fehlt 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Editor\Gizmo\Scenario Markers\Standard Scenario Marker.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\CoreLibrary\cEntity.cpp : 1256 = Inhaltskonzeptset "\torCore" fehlt 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Editor\Gizmo\Scenario Markers\Standard Scenario Marker.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:09.364 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\CoreLibrary\cEntity.cpp : 1272 = Inhaltskonzept "Editor\Gizmo\Scenario Markers\Standard Scenario Marker.xml" fehlt 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 SWT 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_GWR_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Fragment 5MT Black5.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\50007.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\8F_Default_Loco_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\8F_Black_Loco_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 SWT 2 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 NR 2 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.397 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Voyager 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\220\Brown\Engine\a25_locomotive_220_dmf_xc.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Voyager 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_Refurb\Engine\class_20_drs_refurb.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 TP 2 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, BRStandard4MT 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\BRStandard4MT\Weathered\Engine\jt_4mt.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, BRStandard4MT 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Green\Engine\Class37_green_wp.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 SR 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Blue\Engine\Class37_brblue.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Blue\Engine\Class37_brblue.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_ews.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_Manor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\GWR_Green\default\Engine\gwrgreen_7800_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_Manor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Green\Engine\Class37_green_wp.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Green\Engine\Class37_green_wp.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class143Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class143\Default\Engine\Class143_DMS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class143Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR Blue Class 02 Engine Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Voyager 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\220\Brown\Engine\a25_locomotive_220_dmf_xc.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Voyager 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Blue_2\Engine\Class33.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 RR 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Blue\Engine\Class37_brblue.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR Green Class 02 Engine Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR Green Class 02 Engine Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Green\Engine\Class37_green_wp.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_ews.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 CT 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_weathered\Engine\class_20_drs_weathered.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : IHH, Diesel Crane 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Jib Truck\Jib Truck Blueprint.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : IHH, Diesel Crane 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW_FAG\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW_FAG\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_weathered\Engine\class_20_drs_weathered.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class57-0\Default\Engine\Class57_WCRC.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class37_rfd.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_GWR_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_GWR_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_GWR_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_GWR_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_GWR_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_GWR_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class143_GWR_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class143Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class143\Default\Engine\Class143_DMS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class143Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class143Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class143\Default\Engine\Class143_DMS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class143Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class143Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class143\Default\Engine\Class143_DMS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class143Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW_FAG\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW_FAG\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\HST\NX\Class43000\Class43\Class43.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, RivieraLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_Refurb\Engine\class_20_drs_refurb.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_weathered\Engine\class_20_drs_weathered.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.398 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS\Engine\class_20_drs.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS\Engine\class_20_drs.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, BRStandard4MT 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\BRStandard4MT\Intermediate\Engine\jt_4mt.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, BRStandard4MT 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Transrail\Engine\class_60_transrail.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Construction\Engine\class_60_construction.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Loadhaul\Engine\class_60_loadhaul.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Loadhaul\Engine\class_60_loadhaul.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Mainline\Engine\class_60_mainline.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Transrail\Engine\class_60_transrail.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, A4_Pacific 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\A4_pack2\dwightd_1960s\Engine\hb_dwightd_1960s_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, A4_Pacific 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, LMS_Coronation 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\streamlined_coronations\6224_princessalex\Engine\cor_6224_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, LMS_Coronation 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_3700 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\GWR_3700\Default\Engine\jt_gwr_3700_3440.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_3700 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class37_rfd.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class37_rfd.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_rebuilt_bulleid_light_pacific_loco 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: default\Engine\RLP_Steam_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_rebuilt_bulleid_light_pacific_loco 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack03 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Freight\JGA\default\JGA_Aggregreat_B.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack03 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class150\FGW_AP\Class150_DMS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack03 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\EWS\emd_66_EWS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack03 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class153\FGW\Engine\jt_class_153_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, MedwayValleyLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Freight\JNA\JNA_A.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, MedwayValleyLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\FGW_AP\150_DMS_AP.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class159\SWT2_AP\DMSL\Class158C_DMSLA.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class159\FGW_AP\DMSL\Class158C_DMSLA.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class159\FGW_AP\DMSL\Class158C_DMSLA.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class159\FGW_AP\DMSL\Class158C_DMSLA.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class159\FGW_AP\DMSL\Class158C_DMSLA.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Voyager 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\220\Brown\Engine\a25_locomotive_220_dmf_xc.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Voyager 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class159\SWT2_AP\DMSL\Class158C_DMSLA.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class159Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Voyager 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\221\Brown\Engine\a25_locomotive_221_dmf_xc.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Voyager 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, MedwayValleyLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class59\Default\Class59.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, MedwayValleyLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, MedwayValleyLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class59\Default\Class59.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, MedwayValleyLine 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class153\MR\Engine\jt_class_153_mr.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Green\Engine\Class37_green_wp.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 SR 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, BRStandard4MT 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\BRStandard4MT\Intermediate\Engine\jt_4mt.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, BRStandard4MT 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class422Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class422\BRGrey\DTCL\4BIG_DTCL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class422Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Blue_2\Engine\Class33.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 RR 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\PowerBogie\RailMotorPowerBogie.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class421\BRGrey\DTCL\4CIG_DTCL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\50007.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class421\CX\DTCL\4CIG_DTCL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\8F_Black_Loco_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class421\SWT\DTCL\4CIG_DTCL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class421\SC\DTCL\4CIG_DTCL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR Blue Class 02 Engine Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class421\NSE\DTCL\4CIG_DTCL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\50007.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\50007.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Fragment 5MT Black5.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Green\Engine\Class37_green_wp.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\8F_Black_Loco_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\8F_Black_Loco_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\8F_Default_Loco_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\8F_Default_Loco_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, 8FPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\MJA_Hopper_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Thomson_Oovee, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class150\Livery_NR\Class150_DMS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Thomson_Oovee, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Blue\Engine\Class37_brblue.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Blue\Engine\Class37_brblue.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Blue\Engine\Class37_brblue.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR Green Class 02 Engine Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class02Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Green\Engine\Class33.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class57-0\Default\Engine\Class57_WCRC.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Southern Class 421 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\BR Green\Engine\Class37_green_wp.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class423Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR Grey Class 423 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class423Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class423Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR Grey Class 423 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class423Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class153\ATW\Engine\jt_class_153_atw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, KentHighSpeed 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class375\SE-White\Class375_DMOC.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, KentHighSpeed 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.399 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\TEA_Tank_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, KentHighSpeed 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class375\SE-WhiteBlue\Class375_DMOC.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, KentHighSpeed 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, KentHighSpeed 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class375\SE-WhiteGrey\Class375_DMOC.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, KentHighSpeed 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, KentHighSpeed 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class375\SE-WhiteBlueStripe\Class375_DMOC.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, KentHighSpeed 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class465Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class4652_SEG_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class465Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Large Logo.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_ews.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Thomson_Oovee, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class150\Livery_SR\Class150_DMS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Thomson_Oovee, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Thomson_Oovee, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class150\Livery_SR\Class150_DMS.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Thomson_Oovee, Class150Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\EWS\Engine\Class33.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 CT 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 NR 2 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 158 TP 2 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class158Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_weathered\Engine\class_20_drs_weathered.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 3 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class153\CT\Engine\jt_class_153_ct.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class390\GNER\DMSO\Class390DMSO.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class390\IC\DMSO\Class390DMSO.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class390\LMS\DMSO\Class390DMSO.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Large Logo Blue.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class444Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 444 5 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class444Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class423Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\NSE Class 423 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class423Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class444Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 444 5 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class444Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GuildfordDistrict 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 450 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GuildfordDistrict 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GuildfordDistrict 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 450 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GuildfordDistrict 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GuildfordDistrict 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 450 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GuildfordDistrict 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class57-0\Default\Engine\Class57_WCRC.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class57-0\Default\Engine\Class57_WCRC.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_Jubilee.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Southern Class 421 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class421Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Construction\Engine\class_60_construction.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\Class166\SR\DMOCL\Class166_dmocl.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\Class166\SR\DMOCL\Class166_dmocl.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\Class166\SR\DMOCL\Class166_dmocl.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\Class166\SR\DMOCL\Class166_dmocl.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\Class166\SR\DMOCL\Class166_dmocl.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\Class166\SR\DMOCL\Class166_dmocl.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GEML 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class360_4car_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GEML 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GEML 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class360_4car_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GEML 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GEML 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class360_4car_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, GEML 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class465Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class4652_SEG_Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class465Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\BR Blue Pre Tops.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\BR Green.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Default.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Large Logo Blue.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Large Logo Grey.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_rebuilt_bulleid_light_pacific_loco 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: default\Engine\RLP_Steam_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_rebuilt_bulleid_light_pacific_loco 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_class40 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class40\BR Blue\Engine\DT_class40.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_class40 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\NSE Original.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\NSE Revised.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\EWS\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\OneDark\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.400 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\One\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RES\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RfdOrig\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_weathered\Engine\class_20_drs_weathered.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : IHH, Diesel Crane 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Jib Truck\Jib Truck Blueprint.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : IHH, Diesel Crane 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_class40 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class40\BR_blue_full\Engine\DT_class40.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_class40 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_class40 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class40\BR_green_split\Engine\DT_class40.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_class40 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_ews.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Silver\Engine\Class67_Silver.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW_FAG\Class43\class43_fgw.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, LMS_Coronation 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\streamlined_coronations\6224_princessalex\Engine\cor_6224_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, LMS_Coronation 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\General_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\HST\ExGNER\Class43\Class43.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Stock\HST\NX\Class43000\Class43\Class43.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, NL 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\Engine\RailMotorMain.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class153\AR\Engine\jt_class_153_ar.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class153\MR\Engine\jt_class_153_mr.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class153 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_Refurb\Engine\class_20_drs_refurb.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_Refurb\Engine\class_20_drs_refurb.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS\Engine\class_20_drs.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_Refurb\Engine\class_20_drs_refurb.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class20\DRS_weathered\Engine\class_20_drs_weathered.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class20 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, BRStandard4MT 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\BRStandard4MT\Weathered\Engine\jt_4mt.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, BRStandard4MT 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Transrail\Engine\class_60_transrail.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Loadhaul\Engine\class_60_loadhaul.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Mainline\Engine\class_60_mainline.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class60\Transrail\Engine\class_60_transrail.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, Class60 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, LMS_Coronation 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\streamlined_coronations\6224_princessalex\Engine\cor_6224_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, LMS_Coronation 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_3700 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\GWR_3700\Default\Engine\jt_gwr_3700_3440.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_3700 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_3700 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\GWR_3700\Default\Engine\jt_gwr_3700_3440.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_3700 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_Manor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\GWR_Green\default\Engine\gwrgreen_7800_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_Manor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_Manor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\GWR_Green\default\Engine\gwrgreen_7800_Engine.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : JustTrains, GWR_Manor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\NSE\Engine\Class33.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\NSE\Engine\Class33.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class423Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\NSE Class 423 4 Car Fragment.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class423Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class47Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class47\NetworkSouthEast2\Engine\class47_nse2.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class47Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class37_rfd.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class37_rfd.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class37_rfd.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class37\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class37_rfd.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class37Pack01 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\Engine\RailMotorMain.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\Engine\RailMotorMain.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\Engine\RailMotorMain.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\PowerBogie\RailMotorPowerBogie.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\PowerBogie\RailMotorPowerBogie.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\Virgin\Class 90.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR103_TEE 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: Elloks\BR103\BR103_TEE.xml 2024.10.27 08:24:11.913 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR103_TEE 2024.10.27 08:25:12.973 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\CoreLibrary\cEntity.cpp : 1272 = Inhaltskonzept "editor\gizmo\scenario m" fehlt 2024.10.27 08:25:12.973 - [Content] - 2024.10.27 08:25:12.973 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\CoreLibrary\cEntity.cpp : 1272 = Inhaltskonzept " " fehlt 2024.10.27 08:25:12.973 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\NetworkManager\cNetworkRibbon.cpp : 1984 = Schienenstrang beim Laden der Kurven nicht gefunden, sind alle Netzwerkdateien synchron? Schienenstrang-ID:{00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000} 2024.10.27 08:25:12.973 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\NetworkManager\cNetworkRibbon.cpp : 1984 = Schienenstrang beim Laden der Kurven nicht gefunden, sind alle Netzwerkdateien synchron? Schienenstrang-ID:{00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000} 2024.10.27 08:25:18.095 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\SoundSystem\cRailSimSoundSystem.cpp : 536 = Sample Kuju\RailSimulatorUS\Audio\Ambient\US\Point\Amb_P_Builder.dav has a 'smpl' chunk defined in the wave file but no sample loops defined. This is not an error, but is it as intended? 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:58:57.609 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 08:59:02.724 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:38.524 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 08:59:53.900 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:04.121 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:19.467 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:29.720 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:00:39.964 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:01:05.572 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:09:57.332 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:10:02.423 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cRailVehicle.cpp : 2111 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - Expression: blueprint != 0 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whitefwd. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 421 = Blueprint set not found : MachineRail, 1890 Porter 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 452 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Steam\Wooden Porter\whiterev. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - No animation. 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - cControlContainer::setupGeometryOutputs() 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\RailVehicleManager\cControlContainer.cpp : 724 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\SoundSystem\cRailSimSoundSystem.cpp : 536 = Failed to load file 'Assets\MachineRail\1890 Porter\Audio\RailVehicles\Bogies\_Running_OUT.dav' 2024.10.27 09:10:48.435 - [Content] - Trace D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\SoundSystem\cRailSimSoundSystem.cpp : 536 = Failed to load file 'Assets\MachineRail\1890 Porter\Audio\RailVehicles\Bogies\_Running_IN.dav' 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - Assertion failed 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - ASSERT(count == 0); 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - cHcDisplayManager::shutdown() 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\Pc\cHcDisplayManagerPc.cpp : 793 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - Verify failed: 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - D:\RGBuild\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcDrawInterfaceDx.cpp : 194 2024.10.27 09:11:18.882 - [RunTimeError] - 2024.10.27